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  • Muon g − 2 with SU(2)L multiplets
    2025, 49(4): 043102-043102-12. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/adabcf
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    We propose a simple model to obtain a sizable muon anomalous magnetic dipole moment (muon $ g-2 $) that introduces several $ S U(2)_L $ multiplet fields without any additional symmetries. The neutrino mass matrix is simply induced via a type-II seesaw scenario in terms of $ S U(2)_L $ triplet Higgs with $ U(1)_Y $ hypercharge 1. In addition, we introduce an $ S U(2)_L $ quartet vector-like fermion with hypercharge $ 1/2 $ and scalar with hypercharge $ 3/2 $. The quartet fermion plays a crucial role in explaining muon $ g-2 $ causing the chiral flip inside a loop diagram with the mixing of triplet and quartet scalar bosons via the standard model Higgs. We conduct a numerical analysis and search for the allowed region in our parameter space and demonstrate the collider physics.
  • An empirical formula of nuclear β-decay half-lives with the transition-strength contribution
    2025, 49(4): 044110-044110-7. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/ad9303
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    An empirical formula of nuclear β-decay half-lives is proposed by including the transition-strength contribution. The inclusion of the transition-strength contribution can reduce nuclear β-decay half-lives by about an order of magnitude, and its effect gradually increases toward the neutron-rich or heavy nuclear regions. For nuclear β-decay half-lives less than 1 s, the empirical formula can describe the experimental data within approximately2 times, which is more accurate than the sophisticated microscopic models. The transition-strength contribution can also be effectively considered by refitting the parameters of other empirical formulas without the transition-strength term although they will still significantly deviate from the new empirical formula in light or heavy neutron-rich nuclear regions. This indicates that the inclusion of the transition-strength contribution in the empirical formula is crucial for the global description of nuclear β-decay half-lives. The extrapolation ability of the new empirical formula was verified by the newly measured β-decay half-lives.
  • Friedmann’s universe controlled by Gauss-Bonnet modified gravity
    2025, 49(4): 045108-045108-14. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/ad9b9e
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    We consider a Lagrangian to describe gravity using a nonlinear term depending on the Gauss-Bonnet topological invariant. We examine the conditions for a bouncing and the existence of an ulterior accelerated phase of the universe. The original concept of Einstein's first paper on cosmology was to modify the equations that control the gravitational metric. Based on this, several authors have proposed different formalisms to modify general relativity. Herein, a function of the topological invariant is used in a homogeneous and isotropic cosmological model. First, a case with the topological invariant as a constant is thoroughly examined, yielding specific constraints on the evolution of the Hubble parameter. Subsequently, we study a function of the topological invariant squared. In an empty space-time scenario, the term that modifies Einstein’s equations functions as an effective geometrical density, and we map regions in the phase space in which the effective pressure is positive or negative. This results in non-trivial integral solutions such as cyclic stages of acceleration and deceleration of the scale factor in the model, among other behaviors. We add cosmic dust to the system, and for certain classes of solutions, we observe that the minimum positive value of the Hubble parameter is limited by the cosmic dust matter density. If this matter density reaches zero, the minimum value of the Hubble parameter also reaches zero.
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ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4

Original research articles, Ietters and reviews Covering theory and experiments in the fieids of

  • Particle physics
  • Nuclear physics
  • Particle and nuclear astrophysics
  • Cosmology
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