Electric and magnetic screenings of gluons in a model with dimension-2 gluon condensate

  • Electric and magnetic screenings of the thermal gluons are studied by using the background expansion method in a gluodynamic model with gauge invariant dimension-2 gluon condensate at zero momentum. At low temperature, the electric and magnetic gluons are degenerate. With the increase of temperature, it is found that the electric and magnetic gluons start to split at certain temperature T0. The electric screening mass changes rapidly with temperature when T > T0, and the Polyakov loop expectation value rises sharply around T0 from zero in the vacuum to a value around 0.8 at high temperature. This suggests that the color electric deconfinement phase transition is driven by electric gluons. It is also observed that the magnetic screening mass keeps almost the same as its vacuum value, which manifests that the magnetic gluons remain confined. Both the screening masses and the Polyakov loop results are qualitatively in agreement with the Lattice calculations.
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Get Citation
XU Fu-Kun and HUANG Mei. Electric and magnetic screenings of gluons in a model with dimension-2 gluon condensate[J]. Chinese Physics C, 2013, 37(1): 014103. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/37/1/014103
XU Fu-Kun and HUANG Mei. Electric and magnetic screenings of gluons in a model with dimension-2 gluon condensate[J]. Chinese Physics C, 2013, 37(1): 014103.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/37/1/014103 shu
Received: 2012-04-28
Revised: 1900-01-01
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Electric and magnetic screenings of gluons in a model with dimension-2 gluon condensate

Abstract: Electric and magnetic screenings of the thermal gluons are studied by using the background expansion method in a gluodynamic model with gauge invariant dimension-2 gluon condensate at zero momentum. At low temperature, the electric and magnetic gluons are degenerate. With the increase of temperature, it is found that the electric and magnetic gluons start to split at certain temperature T0. The electric screening mass changes rapidly with temperature when T > T0, and the Polyakov loop expectation value rises sharply around T0 from zero in the vacuum to a value around 0.8 at high temperature. This suggests that the color electric deconfinement phase transition is driven by electric gluons. It is also observed that the magnetic screening mass keeps almost the same as its vacuum value, which manifests that the magnetic gluons remain confined. Both the screening masses and the Polyakov loop results are qualitatively in agreement with the Lattice calculations.


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