Simulation of longitudinal dynamics of laser-cooled and RF-bunched C3+ ion beams at heavy ion storage ring CSRe

  • Laser cooling of Li-like C3+ and O4+ relativistic heavy ion beams is planned at the experimental Cooler Storage Ring (CSRe). Recently, a preparatory experiment to test important prerequisites for laser cooling of relativistic 12C3+ ion beams using a pulsed laser system has been performed at the CSRe. Unfortunately, the interaction between the ions and the pulsed laser cannot be detected. In order to study the laser cooling process and find the optimized parameters for future laser cooling experiments, a multi-particle tracking method has been developed to simulate the detailed longitudinal dynamics of laser-cooled ion beams at the CSRe. Simulations of laser cooling of the 12C3+ ion beams by scanning the frequency of the RF-buncher or continuous wave (CW) laser wavelength have been performed. The simulation results indicate that ion beams with a large momentum spread could be laser-cooled by the combination of only one CW laser and the RF-buncher, and show the requirements of a successful laser cooling experiment. The optimized parameters for scanning the RF-buncher frequency or laser frequency have been obtained. Furthermore, the heating effects have been estimated for laser cooling at the CSRe. The Schottky noise spectra of longitudinally modulated and laser-cooled ion beams have been simulated to fully explain and anticipate the experimental results. The combination of Schottky spectra from the highly sensitive resonant Schottky pick-up and the simulation methods developed in this paper will be helpful to investigate the longitudinal dynamics of RF-bunched and ultra-cold ion beams in the upcoming laser cooling experiments at the CSRe.
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Get Citation
Xiao-Ni Li, Wei-Qiang Wen, Heng Du, Peng Li, Xiao-Hu Zhang, Xue-Jing Hu, Guo-Feng Qu, Zhong-Shan Li, Wen-Wen Ge, Jie Li, Han-Bing Wang, Jia-Wen Xia, Jian-Cheng Yang, Xin-Wen Ma and You-Jin Yuan. Simulation of longitudinal dynamics of laser-cooled and RF-bunched C3+ ion beams at heavy ion storage ring CSRe[J]. Chinese Physics C, 2017, 41(7): 077003. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/41/7/077003
Xiao-Ni Li, Wei-Qiang Wen, Heng Du, Peng Li, Xiao-Hu Zhang, Xue-Jing Hu, Guo-Feng Qu, Zhong-Shan Li, Wen-Wen Ge, Jie Li, Han-Bing Wang, Jia-Wen Xia, Jian-Cheng Yang, Xin-Wen Ma and You-Jin Yuan. Simulation of longitudinal dynamics of laser-cooled and RF-bunched C3+ ion beams at heavy ion storage ring CSRe[J]. Chinese Physics C, 2017, 41(7): 077003.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/41/7/077003 shu
Received: 2017-01-17

    Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11405237, 11504388)

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Simulation of longitudinal dynamics of laser-cooled and RF-bunched C3+ ion beams at heavy ion storage ring CSRe

    Corresponding author: You-Jin Yuan,
  • 1. Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China
  • 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  • 3.  Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China
Fund Project:  Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11405237, 11504388)

Abstract: Laser cooling of Li-like C3+ and O4+ relativistic heavy ion beams is planned at the experimental Cooler Storage Ring (CSRe). Recently, a preparatory experiment to test important prerequisites for laser cooling of relativistic 12C3+ ion beams using a pulsed laser system has been performed at the CSRe. Unfortunately, the interaction between the ions and the pulsed laser cannot be detected. In order to study the laser cooling process and find the optimized parameters for future laser cooling experiments, a multi-particle tracking method has been developed to simulate the detailed longitudinal dynamics of laser-cooled ion beams at the CSRe. Simulations of laser cooling of the 12C3+ ion beams by scanning the frequency of the RF-buncher or continuous wave (CW) laser wavelength have been performed. The simulation results indicate that ion beams with a large momentum spread could be laser-cooled by the combination of only one CW laser and the RF-buncher, and show the requirements of a successful laser cooling experiment. The optimized parameters for scanning the RF-buncher frequency or laser frequency have been obtained. Furthermore, the heating effects have been estimated for laser cooling at the CSRe. The Schottky noise spectra of longitudinally modulated and laser-cooled ion beams have been simulated to fully explain and anticipate the experimental results. The combination of Schottky spectra from the highly sensitive resonant Schottky pick-up and the simulation methods developed in this paper will be helpful to investigate the longitudinal dynamics of RF-bunched and ultra-cold ion beams in the upcoming laser cooling experiments at the CSRe.


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