Integrated luminosity, denoted
$ {\cal{L}} $ , connects the number of produced events (N) with the cross section (σ) of a specific physical process, as expressed by the formula$ N = {{\cal{L}}} \cdot \sigma. $
(1) Accurate measurements of integrated luminosity are essential to minimize uncertainties in cross-section measurements of interesting physics processes.
In high-energy physics experiments, integrated luminosity is determined using Eq. (1), employing well-known quantum electrodynamics processes. In this paper, we present the results of an integrated luminosity measurement conducted by the Belle II experiment [1], which operates at the SuperKEKB
$ e^{+}e^{-} $ collider [2] located at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) in Japan. SuperKEKB is an asymmetric energy collider in which electrons with an energy of 7 GeV and positrons with an energy of 4 GeV circulate in the high energy ring (HER) and low energy ring (LER), respectively. The collider mainly operates at the center-of-mass (c.m.) energy of 10.58 GeV, which is at the peak of the$ \Upsilon(4S) $ resonance. Belle II is designed to measure the parameters of the Standard Model precisely and search for new physics beyond the Standard Model with a planned integrated luminosity of 50 ab−1. The instantaneous luminosity target is$ 6 \times 10^{35} $ $ { {\rm{cm}}^{-2}{\rm{s}}^{-1}} $ . In June 2022, SuperKEKB achieved an instantaneous luminosity world record of$ 4.7 \times 10^{34} $ $ { {\rm{cm}}^{-2}{\rm{s}}^{-1}} $ , with a statistical uncertainty of 2.7% and a systematic uncertainty of 1.7% [3]. Determination of the integrated luminosity directly via integration of the instantaneous luminosity therefore carries a substantial systematic uncertainty.The Belle II/SuperKEKB project has had three major commissioning phases. Phase 1 was carried out in Spring 2016 without beam collisions and was prior to the installation of the Belle II detector. Phase 2, which began in March 2018 and ended in July 2018, marked the beginning of
$ e^+e^- $ collisions with the Belle II detector installed, albeit without the vertex detector (VXD). The integrated luminosity of Phase 2 was measured to be (496.3 ± 0.3 ± 3.0) pb−1 [4]. Phase 3 started in March 2019 with a partial VXD and resulted in data for physics analyses. The data sample collected from March 2019 to June 2022 is defined as the Run 1 data.We measure the integrated luminosity of the Run 1 data using the following three precisely calculable processes: Bhabha scattering (
$ e^+e^- \to e^+e^-(n\gamma) $ ), digamma production ($ e^+e^- \to \gamma\gamma(n\gamma) $ ), and dimuon production ($ e^+e^- \to \mu^+\mu^-(n\gamma) $ ). These processes benefit from large and well-known production cross sections and clean experimental signatures.Several improvements and a new cross-check have been implemented with respect to the method developed for the Phase 2 dataset. In the Run 1 data, along with the installation of the VXD detector system in the Belle II detector, improvements were implemented in the reconstruction procedure. These improvements enable the use of tracks to select Bhabha events and implementation of a new cross-check with dimuon events, reducing the dependence on the electromagnetic calorimeter (ECL) cluster information. The Run 1 data sample has almost 1000 times the integrated luminosity and 10 times the instantaneous luminosity of that in Phase 2. However, higher instantaneous luminosities result in increased beam-induced background [5]. A new analysis method has been developed to assess the impact of higher background levels. To address the larger background levels, a comprehensive trigger system is implemented consisting of both a hardware-based level 1 trigger (L1 trigger) [6, 7] and a software-based high-level trigger (HLT) [8] (Section V).
The Run 1 data set was collected with an active L1 trigger and HLT. The MC samples are produced with a simulation of the trigger system. The trigger efficiencies are corrected to those measured in data. Trigger efficiencies of the Run 1 data sample are measured by use of the following equation:
$ \epsilon_{\rm{test}} = \frac{N(\text{test} \cap \text{ref})}{N({\rm{ref}})}, $
(2) where ''
$ N(\text{test} \cap \text{ref}) $ '' is the number of events that fire both the trigger to be tested and the reference trigger, and ''$ N({\rm{ref}}) $ '' is the number of events that activate the reference trigger. The test and reference triggers must be independent from each other. Hence, to estimate the L1 trigger efficiency, we choose test triggers solely based on information from the ECL, while reference triggers rely exclusively on CDC information. The test trigger bits selected from the HLT combine information extracted from different subdetectors. We choose reference triggers with looser criteria than those used in the primary analysis so that the reference trigger is 100% efficient with respect to the analysis selection criteria. These triggers have non-unity prescale factors, which are taken into account. All uncertainties in this section are statistical only.For the Bhabha channel, events are required to pass an L1 trigger bit, which requires at least one ECL cluster with energy
$ E^{\rm{cluster}} > 2\; {\rm{GeV}} $ in the c.m. frame falling within the polar angle range of$ 32.2^{\circ }<\theta^{\rm{cluster}}<124.6^{\circ } $ in the lab frame. Additionally, after May 2021, a new L1 trigger bit was introduced to the HLT, incorporating a series of criteria to select Bhabha events. In the additional L1 trigger bit, the polar angles and azimuthal angles of two ECL clusters are required to satisfy$ |\theta_{1}^{\rm{cluster}} + \theta_{2}^{\rm{cluster}}- 180^{\circ }|<20^{\circ } $ and$ ||\phi_{1}^{\rm{cluster}}-\phi_{2}^{\rm{cluster}}|-180^{\circ }|<40^{\circ } $ in the c.m. frame. The two ECL clusters should both have energies greater than 2.5 GeV, with at least one of them greater than 4 GeV. The L1 trigger efficiencies are calculated to be (99.97 ± 0.01)% and (99.69 ± 0.19)% for data samples before and after May 2021, respectively. The L1 trigger efficiencies for the MC samples are (98.63 ± 0.01)% and (98.15 ± 0.01)%. Consequently, correction factors of 1.0136 ± 0.0001 and 1.0157 ± 0.0021 are applied to adjust the selection efficiencies of the MC samples for the Bhabha channel. The HLT test trigger requires the electron to fall within the polar angle range of$ 30^{\circ }<\theta^{\rm{cluster}}< 180^{\circ } $ in the lab frame. The HLT efficiencies are (99.98 ± 0.01)% and (99.99 ± 0.01)% for the data and MC samples, respectively. The HLT efficiency correction is estimated to be 0.9999 ± 0.0001 for MC simulation.For the digamma-dominated channel, the L1 trigger efficiency of the data sample is determined to be (99.97 ± 0.01)%. This value is obtained from the Bhabha channel with the L1 trigger bit before May 2021, as both channels utilize the same L1 trigger in this context. The L1 trigger efficiency for the MC samples is (98.59 ± 0.01)%. Thus, the correction factor for the L1 trigger is determined to be 1.0140 ± 0.0001. The HLT bit to select digamma events requires at least one ECL cluster with energy
$ E^{\rm{cluster}}>4\; {\rm{GeV}} $ . In addition, the energies, polar angles, and azimuthal angles of the two clusters are required to satisfy$ 2\; {\rm{GeV}}<E_2^{\rm{cluster}}<E_1^{\rm{cluster}} $ ,$ 32^{\circ }<\theta_1^{\rm{cluster}}, \theta_2^{\rm{cluster}}<130^{\circ } $ , and$ ||\phi_{1}^{\rm{cluster}}-\phi_{2}^{\rm{cluster}}|-180^{\circ }|<3^{\circ } $ . Here, the polar angles are defined in the lab frame, while other quantities are in the c.m. frame. The HLT efficiencies for the data and MC samples are calculated to be (99.70 ± 0.01)% and (99.99 ± 0.01)%, respectively. Consequently, the efficiency correction factor for the HLT is found to be 0.9971 ± 0.0001.Dimuon events are selected by an L1 trigger bit that requires the energies, polar angles, and azimuthal angles of the two ECL clusters satisfy
$ E_{1}^{\rm{cluster}},E_{2}^{\rm{cluster}}<2\; {\rm{GeV}} $ ,$ 165^{\circ } < \theta^{\rm{cluster}}_{1}+\theta_{2}^{\rm{cluster}}<190^{\circ } $ , and$ 160^{\circ }<|\phi_{1}^{\rm{cluster}}- \phi_{2}^{\rm{cluster}}| < 200^{\circ } $ . Due to a misconfiguration in the L1 trigger for data, the calculated L1 trigger efficiencies are (97.33 ± 0.01)% for samples collected before August 2020 and (89.48 ± 0.01)% for those obtained after. The L1 trigger efficiency for the MC samples is found to be (77.12 ± 0.01)%. Thus, the efficiency correction factors for the L1 trigger are determined to be 1.2621 ± 0.0001 for data samples before August 2020 and 1.1604 ± 0.0001 for data samples after August 2020. The Belle II experiment collects data with a redundant set of parallel L1 triggers, however they are not used in this analysis. This redundancy ensures that no physics events were lost due to the misconfiguration issue. The HLT requires momentum thresholds of$ p_{1}^{\rm{c.m.}}>3\; {\rm{GeV}} $ and$ p_{2}^{\rm{c.m.}}>2.5\; {\rm{GeV}} $ . Additionally, the energy deposited in the ECL for each muon candidate should be greater than 0 GeV and less than 1 GeV. The HLT efficiencies for the data and MC samples are calculated to be (99.78 ± 0.01)% and (99.91 ± 0.01)%, respectively. The efficiency correction factor for the HLT is found to be 0.9987 ± 0.0001. -
Taking into the account the selection efficiencies and their correction factors, the expression for the integrated luminosity becomes
$ {{\cal{L}}} = \frac{N^{\rm{obs}}_{\rm{data}}}{\sigma_{\rm{sig}}\epsilon_{\rm{sig}} f_{\rm{L1}} f_{\rm{HLT}}}. $
(3) For all three channels, after applying their specific selection criteria, we obtain the numbers of signal events (
$ N^{\rm{obs}}_{\rm{data}} $ ) in the data sample. The cross sections for the signal processes ($ \sigma_{\rm{sig}} $ ) are provided by the event generators, while the selection efficiencies of these signal processes ($ \epsilon_{\rm{sig}} $ ) are estimated using their corresponding MC samples. The correction factors for the L1 trigger and the HLT efficiencies ($ f_{\rm{L1}} $ and$ f_{\rm{HLT}} $ ) are evaluated as described in Section V. All these quantities are listed in Table 1.Channel $ N_{\rm{data}}^{\rm{obs}} $ $ (\times 10^8) $ $ \sigma_{\rm{sig}} $ /nb$ \epsilon_{\rm{sig}} $ (%)$ f_{\rm{L1}}^{\rm{Tot}} $ $ f_{\rm{HLT}} $ $ {\cal{L}} $ /fb−1Bhabha 20.5376 (1) 295.38 (4) 1.88 (1) 1.0148 (17) 0.9999 (1) 364.48 (3) Digamma-dominated 3.1228 (2) $ \sigma_{\gamma\gamma} $ : 5.0686 (5)$ \sigma_{\rm{ee}} $ : 295.38 (4)$ \epsilon_{\gamma\gamma} $ : 16.53 (1)$ \epsilon_{\rm{ee}} $ : 0.16 (1)$ \times 10^{-2} $ 1.0140 (1) 0.9971 (1) 366.57 (3) Dimuon 1.2344 (1) 1.1472 (1) 25.40 (1) 1.1719 (1) 0.9987 (1) 361.97 (4) Table 1. Key parameters for the measurement of the integrated luminosity of the
$ \Upsilon(4S) $ data sample in the three measurement channels. Within the digamma-dominated channel,$ \sigma_{\gamma\gamma} $ ($ \sigma_{\rm{ee}} $ ) signifies the cross section of the digamma (Bhabha) process, while$ \epsilon_{\gamma\gamma} $ ($ \epsilon_{\rm{ee}} $ ) represents the selection efficiency of the digamma (Bhabha) process. Here$ f_{\rm{L1}}^{\rm{Tot}} $ is the efficiency correction factor for the L1 trigger applied to the entire$ \Upsilon(4S) $ sample, which is calculated as a weighted average based on luminosities accumulated during different time periods, as detailed in Section V and$ f_{\rm{HLT}} $ is the efficiency correction factor for the HLT. The values in parentheses are the statistical uncertainties, for example, 20.5376 (1) = 20.5376 ± 0.0001.The integrated luminosity of the
$ \Upsilon(4S) $ data sample is determined to be (364.48 ± 0.03) fb−1, (366.57 ± 0.03) fb−1, and (361.97 ± 0.04) fb−1 with the Bhabha, digamma-dominated, and dimuon channels, respectively. The uncertainties are statistical only and obtained from data. The uncertainties due to the limited sizes of the MC samples are treated as a part of the systematic uncertainties in this paper. -
Table 2 lists eighteen contributions to the systematic uncertainties. Here, we provide a complete description of the systematic uncertainties for the
$ \Upsilon(4S) $ sample, and the procedure is the same for the other samples. We find small changes in the calculated luminosity when the selection criteria or the generation parameters within MC samples are adjusted. The difference between the modified luminosity and the nominal luminosity is taken as the systematic uncertainty, unless otherwise stated.Source $e^+e^-$ (%)$\gamma\gamma$ (%)$\mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ (%)Cross section $\pm0.23$ $\pm0.15$ $\pm0.44$ $\sqrt{s}$ (c.m. energy)*$\pm0.15$ $\pm0.25$ $\pm0.29$ Input angular range* $\pm0.08$ $\pm0.01$ $\pm0.03$ ECL alignment* $\pm0.02$ $\pm0.02$ $\pm0.02$ MC statistics $\pm0.03$ $\pm0.02$ $\pm0.02$ Beam background* $\pm0.13$ $\pm0.19$ $\pm0.26$ Track reconstruction $\pm0.48$ — $\pm0.48$ Cluster reconstruction — $\pm0.41$ — Charge misassignment $\pm0.03$ — $\pm0.01$ $E^{\rm{c.m.}}$ criteria$\pm0.04$ $\pm0.07$ $\pm0.09$ $\theta^{\rm{cluster}}$ criteria$\pm0.08$ $\pm0.06$ $\pm0.11$ $\Delta\theta^{\rm{c.m.}}_{12}$ criteria$\pm0.05$ $\pm0.07$ $\pm0.29$ $\Delta\phi^{\rm{c.m.}}_{12}$ criteria$\pm0.01$ $\pm0.04$ $\pm0.26$ Cluster veto criteria — — $\pm0.03$ Material effects* $\pm0.05$ $\pm0.20$ — Overlapping clusters — $\pm0.01$ — Background processes $\pm0.02$ $\pm0.11$ $\pm0.23$ L1Trigger $\pm0.16$ $\pm0.03$ $\pm0.01$ Quadrature sum $\pm0.61$ $\pm0.60$ $\pm0.90$ Table 2. Contributions to the systematic uncertainties of the measured integrated luminosities at
$\Upsilon(4S)$ for the Bhabha, digamma-dominated, and dimuon channels. The uncertainties denoted with a superscript * represent estimations based on time-independent MC samples, while the others are based on time-dependent samples.The BABAYAGA@NLO generator provides a theoretical cross-section uncertainty of 0.20% for the Bhabha process and 0.10% for the digamma process [11, 12]. A small fraction of generated events exceeds the phase space, impacting the cross sections by 0.10%. Thus, the total cross-section uncertainties for Bhabha and digamma processes are conservatively estimated to be 0.23% and 0.15%, respectively. The precision of the dimuon process is computed by the KKMC generator as an uncertainty of 0.44% [13, 23].
To assess the impact of the input parameters of the generators, we vary each parameter and measure the luminosity difference relative to the nominal value, treating each change as a systematic uncertainty associated with that parameter. The c.m. energy fluctuates around the
$ \Upsilon(4S) $ peak with less than a 5 MeV variation over time. To cover the impact of this potential deviation, we vary the c.m. energy, increasing or decreasing it by 5 MeV in the signal MC samples. These adjustments result in uncertainties of 0.15%, 0.25%, and 0.29% for the Bhabha, digamma-dominated, and dimuon channels, respectively.The angular range of the primary final-state particles is an important input for generators. To improve computational efficiency, low multiplicity events are simulated only if the final-state particles are expected to interact in the active volume of the detector. To estimate boundary effects from scattering, we change the polar angle range to
$ 35^\circ $ –$ 145^\circ $ . The uncertainties are estimated as 0.08%, 0.01%, and 0.03% for the Bhabha, digamma-dominated, and dimuon channels, respectively.Following the alignment of ECL crystal positions using dimuon events, uncertainties of 0.04 mm in the x direction, 0.08 mm in the y direction, and 0.11 mm in the z direction have been determined. These uncertainties are equivalent to uncertainty in the position of the IP. We generate a series of new MC samples for the three channels, incorporating this uncertainty in the IP position. The uncertainties related to the alignment of the ECL location are estimated to be approximately 0.02% for the Bhabha, digamma-dominated, and dimuon channels.
The limited MC sample sizes lead to uncertainties in the measurement of the selection efficiencies. The uncertainties are determined to be 0.03% for the Bhabha channel and 0.02% for digamma-dominated and dimuon channels, respectively.
As the instantaneous luminosity increases, the impact of beam background becomes a larger component of the systematic uncertainty. To assess this uncertainty, we calculate the weighted average of the differences between the luminosities computed using time-dependent MC samples, which includes realistic beam background, and time-independent MC samples characterized by significantly lower beam background, calculated from simulation. Since the time-dependent MC samples describe the data well, we consider half of the differences as the systematic uncertainties associated with beam background, amounting to 0.13%, 0.19%, and 0.26% for the Bhabha, digamma-dominated, and dimuon channels, respectively.
Uncertainties in track reconstruction efficiencies arise during the track reconstruction procedure, where the difference between the data and the MC simulations may reach 0.24% per track [24]. As Bhabha and dimuon events each have two tracks, and assuming a 100% correlation between them, we obtain a conservative uncertainty of 0.48% for the Bhabha and dimuon channels. The uncertainty of the cluster reconstruction for the digamma-dominated channel is estimated to be 0.41%. A measurement without any requirements on the cluster finds that the uncertainty associated with cluster reconstruction is negligible for the Bhabha channel.
Two tracks with opposite charges are required in the Bhabha and dimuon channels. To determine the impact of potential charge misassignment, we perform new measurements by removing the criterion related to charge and obtain uncertainties of 0.03% and 0.01% for the measurements with Bhabha and dimuon events, respectively.
The criteria for selecting signal events may introduce uncertainties. We vary the selection requirements by tightening or loosening them as follows:
$ 2.50^{+0.25}_{-0.25} $ GeV$ <E^{\rm{c.m.}}_{\rm{2}}<E^{\rm{c.m.}}_{\rm{1}}< $ $ 5.82^{+0.25}_{-0.25} $ GeV;●
$ {37.8^{\circ }}^{+1.6^{\circ }}_{-2.8^{\circ }} < \theta^{\rm{cluster}}_{\rm{1}}, \; \theta^{\rm{cluster}}_{\rm{2}} < {120.5^{\circ }}^{+4.1^{\circ }}_{-2.1^{\circ }} $ ;●
$ \Delta\theta^{\rm{c.m.}}_{ 12}<{5^{\circ }}^{+2.5^{\circ }}_{-2.5^{\circ }} $ ;●
$ \Delta\phi^{\rm{c.m.}}_{ 12}<{5^{\circ }}^{+2.5^{\circ }}_{-2.5^{\circ }} $ ;●
$ \Delta\phi^{\rm{c.m.}}_{ 12}<{2.5^{\circ }}^{+1.0^{\circ }}_{-1.0^{\circ }} $ (Only for digamma-dominated channel);●
$ 0<E^{\rm{cluster}}_{\rm{2}},\; E^{\rm{cluster}}_{\rm{1}}<0.50^{+0.02}_{-0.02} $ GeV (cluster veto criteria for dimuon channel).The energy resolution of the final-state particles at an energy of about 5.29 GeV is determined to be approximately 0.08 GeV. To estimate the systematic uncertainty arising from the
$ E^{\rm{c.m.}} $ criteria, we roughly triple the energy resolution. This method is also used to estimate the uncertainty associated with cluster veto criteria. For the$ \theta^{\rm{cluster}} $ criteria, we change the polar angle range by adding or removing ECL crystal rings. The adjustments to the requirements on$ \Delta\theta_{ 12}^{\rm{c.m.}} $ and$ \Delta\phi_{ 12}^{\rm{c.m.}} $ are approximately expanded or reduced by half from the original range. When we change each selection criterion, the larger difference in integrated luminosity compared to our standard result is taken as the systematic uncertainty. The systematic uncertainties from all sources are tabulated in Table 2.Photons, electrons, and positrons may interact with the material in the VXD, which causes the production and absorption of photons, electrons and positrons. To investigate the size of this effect, we remove the simulation of the VXD material in MC samples. The uncertainties are approximately 0.05% for the Bhabha channel and 0.20% for the digamma-dominated channel.
After a photon interacts with the detector material, it may convert into two nearby clusters in the ECL. Selecting only one cluster per photon introduces bias. To address this issue, we employ additional criteria to treat the cluster with the smallest opening angle within a 5° range in both polar and azimuthal angles relative to each selected cluster as a single overlapping cluster. The difference in luminosity, including the presence or absence of overlapping clusters, serves as a measure of systematic uncertainty. This uncertainty of approximately 0.01% is specific to the digamma-dominated channel, since the energies of Bhabha and dimuon tracks are obtained in a different manner.
As described in Section III, various background processes are produced and analyzed to assess their impact on the luminosity measurement. The primary background channels (background levels) are digamma (
$ 9.3 \times 10^{-5} $ ),$ u{\bar u} $ ($ 8.3\times10^{-4} $ ), and$ e^+e^-\mu^+\mu^- $ ($ 2.0\times10^{-3} $ ) events for the measurements with Bhabha, digamma-dominated, and dimuon channels, respectively. Given that the size of the contributions are relatively low, we assign a 100% uncertainty on the contribution from these background processes. Consequently, the total uncertainties due to background processes are 0.02%, 0.11%, and 0.23% for these three channels, respectively.Uncertainties arising from the trigger efficiency correction procedures are due to the limited sizes of the samples with the reference trigger applied. The uncertainties are measured to be 0.16%, 0.03%, and 0.01% for the Bhabha, digamma-dominated, and dimuon channels for the L1 trigger efficiency corrections, respectively. These statistical uncertainties are treated as the systematic uncertainties corresponding to the relative trigger bits.
The combined relative uncertainties are calculated by adding the individual uncertainties in quadrature, assuming that they are uncorrelated. The resulting total relative uncertainties of the
$ \Upsilon(4S) $ sample are 0.61%, 0.60%, and 0.90% for the Bhabha, digamma-dominated, and dimuon channels, respectively. Most of the systematic uncertainties are positively correlated for the$ \Upsilon(4S) $ and off-$ \Upsilon(4S) $ samples, except for those associated with ''c.m. energy'', ''MC statistics'', ''beam background'', and ''$ E^{\rm{c.m.}} $ criteria''. The Run 1 luminosity is measured to be (426.88 ± 0.03 ± 2.61) fb−1, (429.28 ± 0.03 ± 2.62) fb−1, and (423.99 ± 0.04 ± 3.83) fb−1 with the Bhabha, digamma-dominated, and dimuon channels, respectively.The integrated luminosities of the data sample at various energy points are given in Table 3. The measured luminosities with Bhabha, digamma-dominated, and dimuon channels are consistent within 1.3σ after the removal of correlated uncertainties. The luminosities obtained with the three channels are combined by considering the correlation of the uncertainties among them. The mean values (
$ {\cal{L}} $ ) and the uncertainties ($ \Delta {{\cal{L}}} $ ) are calculated with [25]Type $ \sqrt{s} $ /GeV$ {{\cal{L}}}_{\rm{ee}} $ /fb−1$ {{\cal{L}}}_{ \gamma\gamma} $ /fb−1$ {{\cal{L}}}_{ \mu\mu} $ /fb−1$ {\cal{L}} $ /fb−1$ \Upsilon(4S) $ 10.580 364.48 ± 0.03 ± 2.23 366.57 ± 0.03 ± 2.20 361.97 ± 0.04 ± 3.26 365.37 ± 1.70 off- $ \Upsilon(4S) $ 10.517 42.60 ± 0.01 ± 0.26 42.90 ± 0.01 ± 0.26 42.41 ± 0.02 ± 0.39 42.74 ± 0.20 $ \Upsilon(5S) $ scan10.657 3.55 ± 0.01 ± 0.03 3.55 ± 0.01 ± 0.03 3.51 ± 0.01 ± 0.04 3.54 ± 0.03 10.706 1.64 ± 0.01 ± 0.02 1.64 ± 0.01 ± 0.02 1.62 ± 0.01 ± 0.02 1.63 ± 0.02 10.751 9.88 ± 0.01 ± 0.07 9.91 ± 0.01 ± 0.08 9.78 ± 0.01 ± 0.10 9.88 ± 0.06 10.810 4.72 ± 0.01 ± 0.04 4.71 ± 0.01 ± 0.04 4.69 ± 0.01 ± 0.05 4.71 ± 0.03 Total — 426.88 ± 0.03 ± 2.61 429.28 ± 0.03 ± 2.62 423.99 ± 0.04 ± 3.83 427.87 ± 2.01 Table 3. The integrated luminosities of the data sample at different energy points. The quantities
$ {{\cal{L}}}_{\rm{ee}} $ ,$ {{\cal{L}}}_{ \gamma \gamma} $ , and$ {{\cal{L}}}_{ \mu \mu} $ are the integrated luminosities obtained with the Bhabha, digamma-dominated, and dimuon channels, respectively. In the last column$ {\cal{L}} $ denotes the combined results of the three luminosity measurement channels. The first uncertainties represent statistical uncertainties, while the second are systematic uncertainties. The uncertainties of combined luminosities are the total uncertainties, which include both statistical and systematic uncertainties.$ {\bar {{\cal{L}}}} \pm \Delta {{\cal{L}}} = \frac{\Sigma_i {{\cal{L}}}_i \cdot \Sigma_j \omega_{ij}}{\Sigma_i \Sigma_j \omega_{ij}} \pm \sqrt{\frac{1}{\Sigma_i \Sigma_j \omega_{ij}}}, $
(4) where i and j are summed over Bhabha, digamma-dominated, and dimuon channels,
$ w_{ij} $ is the element of the weight matrix$ W = V^{-1} $ , and V is the covariance error matrix calculated according to the statistical and systematic uncertainties in Table 3. Combining the results of all three channels, the error matrix can be calculated as$ V = \begin{pmatrix} \Delta {{\cal{L}}}_{\rm{ee}}^2 & {{\cal{L}}}_{\rm{ee}} {{\cal{L}}}_{ \gamma \gamma} \delta_{ {\rm{ee}} \gamma \gamma}^2 & {{\cal{L}}}_{\rm{ee}} {{\cal{L}}}_{ \mu \mu} \delta_{ {\rm{ee}} \mu \mu}^2\\ {{\cal{L}}}_{\rm{ee}} {{\cal{L}}}_{ \gamma \gamma} \delta_{ {\rm{ee}} \gamma \gamma}^2 & \Delta {{\cal{L}}}_{ \gamma \gamma}^2 & {{\cal{L}}}_{ \gamma \gamma} {{\cal{L}}}_{ \mu \mu} \delta_{ \gamma \gamma \mu \mu}^2\\ {{\cal{L}}}_{\rm{ee}} {{\cal{L}}}_{ \mu \mu} \delta_{ {\rm{ee}} \mu \mu}^2 & {{\cal{L}}}_{ \gamma \gamma} {{\cal{L}}}_{ \mu \mu} \delta_{ \gamma \gamma \mu \mu}^2 & \Delta {{\cal{L}}}_{ \mu \mu}^2\\ \end{pmatrix}, $
(5) where the luminosity
$ {{\cal{L}}} $ (total uncertainty$ \Delta {{\cal{L}}} $ ) with subscripts$ {\rm{ee}} $ ,$ { \gamma \gamma} $ , or$ { \mu \mu} $ represent the luminosity (total uncertainty) is obtained from Bhabha, digamma-dominated, or dimuon channels. The symbol δ with a combination of two subscripts denotes the common relative systematic uncertainties between two corresponding channels. Here,$ \delta_{ {\rm{ee}} \gamma \gamma} = {0.26} $ %,$ \delta_{ {\rm{ee}} \mu \mu} = {0.52} $ %, and$ \delta_{ \gamma \gamma \mu \mu} = 0.32 $ %. The results from this averaging procedure are given in Table 3. The total uncertainty of the average luminosity is about 0.47%.
Measurement of the integrated luminosity of data samples collected during 2019-2022 by the Belle II experiment
- Received Date: 2024-07-02
- Available Online: 2025-01-15
Abstract: A series of data samples was collected with the Belle II detector at the SuperKEKB collider from March 2019 to June 2022. We determine the integrated luminosities of these data samples using three distinct methodologies involving Bhabha (