Here, we review the
$ f(R,T) $ gravity theory proposed by Harko et al [5], and the action integral is given by$ S = \int {\rm d}^{4}x \sqrt{-g} \left[\frac{1}{16\pi} f(R,T)+{\cal{L}}_m\right], $
(1) where the action of the gravitational field depends on a generic function of curvature scalar
$ R = g^{\mu\nu}R_{\mu\nu} $ and the trace T of the energy-momentum tensor. Here,$ {\cal{L}}_m $ stands for the matter Lagrangian density and is related to the stress-energy tensor of the matter fields in the usual way as$ T_{\mu\nu} = -\frac{2}{\sqrt{-g}}\frac{\delta\left(\sqrt{-g}{\cal{L}}_m\right)}{\delta g^{\mu\nu}}. $
(2) Assuming
$ {\cal{L}}_m $ depends on the metric components$ g_{\mu\nu} $ and not on its derivatives, which implies that [5]$ T_{\mu\nu} = g_{\mu\nu}{\cal{L}}_m-2\frac{\partial {\cal{L}}_m }{\partial g^{\mu\nu}}, $
(3) and varying action (1), we obtain the modified Einstein field equations in
$ f(R,T) $ gravity as follows:$ \begin{aligned}[b]&f_R (R,T) R_{\mu\nu} - \frac{1}{2} f(R,T) g_{\mu\nu} + (g_{\mu\nu}\Box - \nabla_{\mu} \nabla_{\nu}) f_R (R,T) \\=\;& 8\pi T_{\mu\nu} - f_{T(R,T)} T_{\mu\nu} - f_{T(R,T)}\Theta_{\mu\nu} , \end{aligned}$
(4) where
$ f_R (R,T) = \partial f(R,T)/\partial R $ ,$ f_T (R,T) = \partial f(R,T)/\partial T $ ,$ \Box \equiv \partial_{\mu}(\sqrt{-g} g^{\mu\nu} \partial_{\nu})/\sqrt{-g} $ ,$ R_{\mu\nu} $ is the Ricci tensor,$ \nabla_\mu $ denotes the covariant derivative with respect to the metric$ g_{\mu\nu} $ , and we have defined$ \Theta_{\mu\nu} = g^{\alpha\beta}\delta T_{\alpha\beta}/\delta g^{\mu\nu} $ . Now, taking covariant derivatives with respect to the field Eq. (4), and we have$\begin{aligned} \nabla^{\mu}T_{\mu\nu} = \frac{f_T(R,T)}{8\pi -f_T(R,T)}\left[(T_{\mu\nu}+\Theta_{\mu\nu})\nabla^{\mu}\ln f_T(R,T)\nabla^{\mu}\Theta_{\mu\nu}-(1/2)g_{\mu\nu}\nabla^{\mu}T\right] \end{aligned}$
(5) which is significant in discussing the energy properties of the model. Furthermore, we also assume that the matter content described by a standard perfect fluid with stress-energy tensor
$ T_{\mu\nu} $ can be written as$ T_{\mu\nu} = (\rho+P)u_\mu u_\nu-P g_{\mu\nu}, $
(6) where ρ and P are the energy density and pressure for the isotropic fluid sphere, and
$ u^{\mu} $ is the four-velocity of the fluid with$ u^{\mu}u_{\mu} = 1 $ . Additionally, we assume the matter Lagrangian$ {\cal{L}}_m = -P $ , which allows us to rewrite$ \Theta_{\mu\nu} $ as$ \Theta_{\mu\nu} = -2T_{\mu\nu}- P g_{\mu\nu}. $
(7) Herein, we opt for the simplest linear functional form
$ f(R,T) = R+ 2\beta T $ , which was considered in Ref. [5]. This choice has been widely employed in numerous cosmological solutions of$ f(R,T) $ gravity. Based on this assumption, the field Eq. (4) and the conservation equation Eq. (5) is reduce to$ G_{\mu\nu} = 8\pi T_{\mu\nu}+\beta Tg_{\mu\nu}+2\beta(T_{\mu\nu}+ Pg_{\mu\nu}), $
(8) $ (8\pi+2\beta)\nabla^{\mu}T_{\mu\nu} = -2\beta\left[\nabla^{\mu}(P g_{\mu\nu})+\frac{1}{2}g_{\mu\nu}\nabla^{\mu}T\right], $
(9) where
$ G_{\mu\nu} $ is the Einstein tensor and β is an arbitrary constant. One may also verify that when$ \beta = 0 $ , the standard Einstein field equation is recovered. Moreover, Eq. (9) clearly demonstrates that$ f(R,T) $ gravity leads to non-conservation of the energy-momentum tensor. Therefore,$ f(R,T) $ theory can be treated as a curvature-matter coupling theory, and an exchange of energy and momentum between both produces an extra force [41]. -
In this theoretical framework, we consider a static and spherically symmetric spacetime described by the following metric
$ {\rm d}s^2 = {\rm e}^{\Phi(r)}{\rm d}t^2 - {\rm e}^{\Lambda(r)}{\rm d}r^2 - r^2({\rm d}\theta^2+\sin^2\theta {\rm d}\phi^2), $
(10) where the metric functions
$ \Phi(r) $ and$ \Lambda(r) $ depend on the radial coordinate, r. Then, using Eqs. (10) and (6) together with the modified field equation (8), we obtain the following$ (tt) $ and$ (rr) $ components of field equations in the$ f(R,T) $ theory [42] as follows:$ {\rm e}^ {-\Lambda} \left(\frac{\Lambda '}{r}-\frac{1}{r^2}\right)+\frac{1}{r^2} = \left(8\pi+3\beta\right) \rho -\beta P, $
(11) $ {\rm e}^ {-\Lambda} \left(\frac{\Phi '}{r}+ \frac{1}{r^2}\right)-\frac{1}{r^2} = \left(8\pi+3\beta\right)P -\beta \rho. $
(12) Under this assumption, the conservation equation (9) can be rewritten as follows [43, 44]:
$ P'+\left(\rho+P\right)\frac{\Phi'}{2} = \frac{\beta}{8\pi+2\beta}\left(P'-\rho'\right), $
(13) where prime represents the derivative of r. To recast Eqs. (11)−(13) into a more familiar form, we introduce a mass parameter,
$ m(r) $ , defined by${\rm e}^{-2\Lambda} = 1-\dfrac{2 m(r)}{ r}$ . Since$ m(r) $ is the mass within a sphere of radius r. After some straightforward calculations, two autonomous equations are obtained, which are expressed as [45, 46]$ m'(r) = 4\pi r^2\rho+\frac{\beta(3\rho-p)r^2}{2}, $
(14) $ P'(r) = -\dfrac{(\rho+ P) \left[4\pi pr+\dfrac{m}{r^2}-\dfrac{\beta(\rho-3P)r}{2}\right]}{\left(1-\dfrac{2m}{r}\right)\left[1+\dfrac{\beta}{8\pi+2\beta}\left(1-\dfrac{{\rm d}\rho}{{\rm d}P}\right)\right]}. $
(15) Naturally, by setting
$ \beta \to 0 $ , we restore the usual TOV equation. Notably, in$ f(R,T) $ gravity, the coupling constant β has some constraints from NS mass measurements [47]. In this context, authors in [48] have studied the radial perturbations and stability of compact stars by calculating the oscillation mode frequency square. For a complete description of the stellar configuration, Eqs. (14) and (15) must be supplemented by an EoS. In this study, we aim to demonstrate the possible existence of QSs entirely composed of interacting quark matter, including perturbative QCD corrections and color superconductivity (see [49] and the references therein). -
QSs hypothetically exist as compact objects made of strange quark matter (SQM), and they can potentially exist in different unusual forms of matter, such as quarkyonic matter [50, 51], color superconductivity [52, 53], ∆-isobar configurations, and hyperons [54−56], among others. In Ref. [49], we found an interacting quark matter (IQM) EoS with a superconducting effect and quantum chromodynamics (pQCD) corrections. Thus, this study will explore the possible existence of QSs composed entirely of IQM within the framework of
$ f(R,T) $ gravity. According to the definition provided in Refs. [49, 57], the energy density and pressure (i.e., the EoS) are expressed as$ P = \frac{1}{3}(\rho-4B_{\rm{eff}})+ \frac{4\lambda^2}{9\pi^2}\left(-1+{\rm{sgn}}(\lambda)\sqrt{1+3\pi^2 \frac{(\rho-B_{\rm{eff}})}{\lambda^2}}\right), $
(16) where the effective bag constant is represented by
$ B_{\rm{eff}} $ , which represents the nonperturbative contribution from the QCD vacuum, and the constant coefficient λ is expressed as$ \lambda = \frac{\xi_{2a} \Delta^2-\xi_{2b} m_s^2}{\sqrt{\xi_4 a_4}}, $
(17) where
$ m_s $ is the mass of the strange quark and ∆ is the gap parameter. The pQCD corrections are represented by the$ (1-a_4) $ term up to$ O(\alpha_s^2) $ . Importantly, the quartic coefficient$ a_4 $ can vary from the value$ a_4 = 1 $ [58] when no strong interactions are considered. Moreover, the value of λ is positive as long as$ \Delta^2/m_s^2 > \xi_{2b}/\xi_{2a} $ , and we restrict ourselves to consider only positive λ values. The coefficients in λ for various color-superconducting phases are defined as:$ (\xi_4,\xi_{2a}, \xi_{2b}) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \bigg(\bigg( \left(\dfrac{1}{3}\right)^{\frac{4}{3}}+ \left(\dfrac{2}{3}\right)^{\frac{4}{3}}\bigg)^{-3},1,0\bigg), & \text{2SC phase} \\ (3,1,3/4), & \text{2SC+s phase} \\ (3,3,3/4). & \text{CFL phase} \end{array} \right. $
(18) Taking a step towards more realistic situation, Zhang and Mann [49] proposed a dimensional rescaling as follows:
$ \bar{\rho} = \frac{\rho}{4B_{\rm{eff}}}, \quad \bar{P} = \frac{P}{4B_{\rm{eff}}}, $
(19) and
$ \bar{\lambda} = \frac{\lambda^2}{4B_{\rm{eff}}} = \frac{(\xi_{2a} \Delta^2-\xi_{2b} m_s^2)^2}{4B_{\rm{eff}}\xi_4 a_4}. $
(20) Now, utilizing these rescalings in (19) and (20), we can redefine the equation of state (16) in a dimensionless form as follows:
$ \bar{P} = \frac{1}{3}(\bar{\rho}-1)+ \frac{4}{9\pi^2}\bar{\lambda} \left(-1+{\rm{sgn}}(\lambda)\sqrt{1+\frac{3\pi^2}{\bar{\lambda}} {(\bar{\rho}-\frac{1}{4})}}\right). $
(21) Note that for
$ \bar{\lambda} \to 0 $ , the above expression becomes a noninteracting quark matter,$ \bar{p} = \dfrac{1}{3}(\bar{\rho}-1) $ . Moreover,$ \bar{\lambda}\gg 0 $ i.e., a sufficiently large value of$ \bar{\lambda} $ gives,$ \bar{p}\big|_{\bar{\lambda}\to \infty} = \bar{\rho}-\frac{1}{2}. $
(22) Equivalently,
$ p = {\rho}-2B_{\rm{eff}} $ after reverting the scaling using Eq. (19). This study only considers the positive values of λ, as$ \lambda<0 $ does not yield a finite form. For instance, the above EoS (19) and a significantly broader range of$ \lambda>0 $ leads to heavier QSs that are consistent with the 2$ M_{\odot} $ constraint (see, e.g., [49, 57, 59] for a review of recent works). In Figs. 1 and 2, we plot the energy density and isotropic pressure for the given IQM EoS (21). The utilized parameter sets are provided in Table 1 and 1, respectively. The figures show a monotonic decrease in both energy density and pressure towards the surface of the star.Figure 1. (color online) We plot the energy density and isotropic pressure for solving the TOV equations (14) and (15) with the given EoS (21). For computation, we vary
$\bar{\lambda} \in [0.1, $ $ 0.5]$ and set the other parameters as$ B_{\rm{eff}} = 60 $ MeV/fm3 and$ \beta = 0.1 $ , respectively.Figure 2. (color online) We plot the energy density and isotropic pressure for solving the TOV equations (14) and (15) with the given EoS (21). For computation, we vary
$\beta \in [-0.2, $ $ 0.2]$ and set the other parameters as$ B_{\rm{eff}} = 60 $ MeV/fm3 and$ \bar{\lambda} = 0.2 $ , respectively.$ \bar{\lambda} $ M/ $ M_{\odot} $ R/km $ \rho_c $ /(MeV/fm3)$ M/R $ 0.1 2.28 12.08 900 0.280 0.2 2.41 12.60 844 0.284 0.3 2.51 13.00 788 0.286 0.4 2.60 13.36 731 0.288 0.5 2.67 13.70 675 0.289 Table 1. We present the structural properties of QSs in
$ f(R,T) $ gravity. We set a fixed value for$ B_{\rm{eff}} = 60 $ MeV/fm3 and$ \beta = 0.1 $ and different values of$ \bar{\lambda} $ .Notably, the absolutely stable condition is an important condition that must be satisfied for strange QSs [60−63]. This condition states that the energy per baryon of SQM must be less than 930 MeV, while the energy per baryon of up-down quark matter (udQM) should exceed 930 MeV. We have carefully examined this stability criterion for the parameter sets used in our model. The energy per baryon,
$ E/A $ , is given by$ E/A = E_{\text{total}}/n_B $ , where$ E_{\text{total}} $ represents the total energy [64] and$ n_B $ is the density of the baryon number.In the case of SQM, the total energy [52, 65] can be expressed as
$ E_{\rm SQM} = 4 B_{\rm eff} + \frac{g^2 \Delta^2}{m_s + \Delta}, $
(23) where
$ g = 2 $ ,$ \Delta = 0.2 \; \text{MeV} $ , and$ m_s = 150 \; \text{MeV} $ . Meanwhile, g represents the coupling constant of the strong interaction and ∆ refers to the gap parameter in the context of color superconductivity in quark matter. Using this, we calculate the energy per baryon for SQM as$ E/A_{\text{SQM}} = $ 400 MeV, which is well below the 930 MeV threshold, thus satisfying the absolutely stable condition.For udQM, with
$ m_s = 0 $ , we obtain:$ E_{\text{total,udQM}} = 4 B_{\text{eff}} + \frac{g^2 \Delta^2}{\Delta}, $
(24) yielding an energy per baryon of
$ E/A_{\text{udQM}} = 401.33 \, \text{MeV} $ . This result indicates that the udQM energy per baryon is slightly higher than that of SQM but still within the expected range, further supporting the stability of QSs.Hence, the parameter sets utilized in this research confirm that the SQM meets the absolutely stable condition, affirming the reliability of our model in representing QSs.
In the following, we explore the characteristics of QSs in the framework of
$ f(R,T) $ gravity by solving the modified TOV equations (14) and (15) for the given EoS (21). The mass and radius of QSs are obtained by numerically integrating the TOV equations with the initial boundary conditions at the center of the star$ (r = 0) $ as$ m(0) = 0 $ and$ \rho(0) = \rho_c $ , where$ \rho_c $ is the central energy density. The total mass of the QS is defined as$ M = m(R) $ , where R represents the radius of the star. In this analysis, we concentrate two variable parameters: the EoS parameter$ \bar{\lambda} $ and the coupling constant β. Here, the stellar mass is measured in solar masses,$ M_{\odot} $ , the radius of the stars in$ {\rm{km}} $ , and the bag constant in$ \text{MeV/fm}^3 $ , respectively. -
In Fig. 3, we illustrate the mass-radius
$ (M-R) $ and mass-compactness$ (M-M/R) $ curves from solving the TOV equations and considering the most probable parameters:$ B_{\rm{eff}} = 60 $ MeV/fm3,$ \beta = 0.1 $ and varying the parameter$ \bar{\lambda} \in [0.1, 0.5] $ . The resulting$ M-R $ curves show that the maximum mass and their radii increase with increasing values of$ \bar{\lambda} $ , comfortably exceeding the 2$ M_\odot $ limit. The maximum mass reached 2.67$ M_\odot $ at$ \bar{\lambda} = 0.5 $ in our study of nonrotating QSs. The colored bands represent observational data from the pulsars PSR J0952-0607 with a mass of$ M = 2.35 \pm 0.17 M_{\odot} $ (Magenta) [66] and from the analyses of the gravitational wave signal from the GW190814 event with a mass of$ 2.59^{+0.08}_{-0.09} M_{\odot} $ (Lightgray) [67]. The range of allowable parameters is further constrained by the contours of HESS J1731-347 [68] and the GW170817 event [69], described by the shaded regions in Fig. 3. All the parameters used for the studies are provided in Table 1 with the maximum gravitational mass being$ 2.28 M_{\odot} \leq M_G \leq 2.67 M_{\odot} $ , and the radius of the star ranging from$ 12.08 $ km–$ 13.70 $ km. We also demonstrate the effect$ \bar{\lambda} $ on the properties of maximum compactness in the lower panel of Fig. 3. Notice that the maximum compactness increases with increasing values of$ \bar{\lambda} $ , often ranging between 0.280 and 0.289, as can be observed in Table 1. The table also indicates that the Buchdahl limit remains intact i.e.,$ M/R < 4/9 $ .Figure 3. (color online) The mass-radius
$ (M-R) $ and mass-compactness$ (M-M/R) $ curves of QSs for the IQM EoS (21). The model parameters used are listed in Table 1. Additionally, the$ M-R $ diagrams are compared with more recent observational data PSR J0952-0607 (Magenta) [66] and the gravitational wave signal from the GW190814 event (light gray) [67]. The range of allowable parameters is further constrained by the contours of HESS J1731-347 [68] and the GW170817 event [69]. -
In Fig. 4, we demonstrate the
$ (M-R) $ and$ (M-M/R) $ curves by varying the coupling constant$ \beta \in [-0.2, 0.2] $ . The other model parameters used in the numerical calculations are:$ \bar{\lambda} = 0.2 $ and$ B = 60 $ MeV/fm3, respectively. Fig. 4 shows that the maximum mass value increases with increasing values of β, and this value reaches 2.42$ M_{\odot} $ at$ \beta = 0.2 $ . Concurrently, we recorded that the maximum mass is 2.40$ M_{\odot} $ in GR ($ \beta = 0 $ ). Our findings imply that the$ M-R $ profiles around the maximum mass do not significantly differ from the standard GR in the β variation. However, the obtained GR result is consistent with a QS governed by the IQM EoS (21), as reported in Ref. [49]. Here, we continue our analysis by comparing the$ M-R $ diagrams with more recent observational data PSR J0952-0607 (Magenta) [66]. As shown in Fig. 4, we find that our model is consistent with the observational data. Finally, we show how β affects the maximum compactness characteristics in the lower panel of Fig. 4. As expected, increasing or decreasing the values of β does not result in a significant deviation between GR and$ f(R,T) $ gravity for maximum compactness, and its value is in the range of$ 0.277< M/R < 0.281 $ . The results are listed in Table 2.β M/ $ M_{\odot} $ R/km $ \rho_c $ /(MeV/fm3)$ M/R $ −0.2 2.37 12.70 844 0.277 −0.1 2.39 12.60 844 0.279 0.0 2.40 12.63 844 0.281 0.1 2.41 12.60 844 0.279 0.2 2.42 12.65 788 0.277 Table 2. We present the structural properties of QSs in
$ f(R,T) $ gravity. We set a fixed value for$ B_{\rm{eff}} = 60 $ MeV/fm3 and$ \bar{\lambda} = 0.2 $ and different values of β. -
Besides the mass-radius relationships, our main concern is the stability of the configuration. Below, we provide an in-depth discussion of the methods used to determine the stability of these stars.
The static stability criterion [70, 71] is a widely applied condition for discussing the stability analysis of an equilibrium configuration. However, this is a necessary but insufficient condition for confirming the stability of a spherical body. Interestingly, this condition is extensively applied, irrespective of any modified gravity theories (see Refs. [72−74] and therein). This condition is expressed by the following inequalities:
$ \frac{{\rm d} M}{{\rm d} \rho_c} < 0 \; \rightarrow \text{indicating an unstable configuration}, $
(25) $ \frac{{\rm d} M}{{\rm d} \rho_c} > 0 \; \rightarrow \text{indicating a stable configuration}. $
(26) We analyze the inequalities by plotting
$ M-\rho_c $ curves, where M is the mass QS and$ \rho_c $ is the central density. In Fig. 5, we present our results using the same parameter sets as in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. In the figures, the turning points (indicated by the black circle) are represented by the region separating a stable configuration from an unstable one, and the stable region is indicated by the inequality${\rm d}M/{\rm d}\rho_c > 0$ . -
We also calculate the adiabatic index γ to check the viability of our QS model using the conventional method established by Chandrasekhar in 1964 [75]. The condition for γ explicitly reads
$ \gamma \equiv \left(1+\frac{\rho}{P}\right)\left(\frac{{\rm d}P}{{\rm d}\rho}\right)_S. $
(27) The Eq. (27) is related to the sound speed (in units of the speed of light), and the subscript S indicates the derivation at constant entropy. In the case of an isotropic fluid sphere, the value of γ is associated with the dynamical instability of relativistic objects and has a restricted value. This value is known as the critical adiabatic index and is denoted as
$ \gamma_{cr} $ . Ref. [76] demonstrated that a star would be dynamically stable if$ \left<\gamma \right> >\gamma_{cr} $ , where$ \left<\gamma\right> $ stands for the averaged adiabatic index. However, in the GR context, this critical value can be expressed as$\gamma_{cr} = \dfrac{4}{3}+\dfrac{19}{42} C$ , where$ C = 2 M/R $ is the compactness parameter [76]. In such a scenario, the critical value of$ \gamma_{cr} $ exceeds 4/3. Generally, the adiabatic index ranges from 2 to 4 for most of the NSs EoS (see Ref. [77] for more). The dependence of the adiabatic index as a function of the radial distance is shown in Fig. 6 for several representative values of$ \bar{\lambda} $ and β. Notably, for the QSs composed of IQM, the averaged adiabatic index is much larger than the critical value. -
Next, we discuss classical energy conditions (ECs), which are important phenomenological methods for defining self-consistent and physically motivated theories of gravity. ECs also help to ensure physically consistent
$ f(R, T) $ gravity. The ECs are a combination of the energy-momentum tensor components, and the four conditions are the null energy condition (NEC), weak energy condition (WEC), strong energy condition (SEC), and the dominant energy condition (DEC), given by$ \text{NEC} : \rho+P \ge 0, $
(28) $ \text{WEC} : \rho+P \ge 0, \; \; \text{and}\; \; \rho \geq 0, $
(29) $ \text{SEC} : \rho+P \ge 0, \; \text{and}\; \rho + 3P \ge 0 , $
(30) $ \text{DEC} : \rho \ge |P|, $
(31) respectively. In Fig. 7, we plot the four ECS for several representative values of
$ \bar{\lambda} $ and β. When plotting the ECs, we consider that$ B_{\rm{eff}} = 60 $ MeV/fm3, and other parameters are in combinations of$ \{\bar{\lambda}, \beta\} = \{0.3, 0.1\} $ and$\{\bar{\lambda}, \beta\} = \{0.2, 0.3\}$ , respectively. The plots demonstrate that all ECs are met within the specified range of parameters for both cases, as depicted in Fig. 7. -
We extended our analysis by studying the squared speed of sound, defined as
$ v_{s}^2 = {{\rm d}P}/{{\rm d}\rho} $ , which is an important condition for stable configurations. Notably, the speed of sound should be less than the speed of light i.e.,$ 0<v^2_s <1 $ . In Fig. 8, we display the sound speed as a function of radial distance, and the obtained results again satisfy the condition$ 0 \leq v_{s}^2 \leq 1 $ . Thus, we can say that QSs composed of IQM could exist in$ f(R,T) $ gravity. -
The polytropic index
$ \gamma = \dfrac{\partial \ln P}{\partial \ln E} $ , where P is the pressure and E is the energy density, is a measure of the stiffness of the equation of state (EoS). According to the findings in [78], a polytropic index γ below 1.75 indicates the presence of quark matter cores in massive neutron stars. In our study, we calculate γ using the following expression:$ \gamma = \frac{\rho}{P} \left( \frac{1}{3} + \frac{2}{3} \cdot \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 + 3 \pi^2 \dfrac{(\rho - B_{\text{eff}})}{\lambda^2}}} \right), $
(32) For typical QS parameters
$ B_{\text{eff}} = 60 \; \text{MeV/fm}^3 $ and$ \lambda = 0.2 \; \text{MeV} $ , we evaluate γ across energy densities ranging from 200 to$ 1000\; \text{MeV/fm}^3 $ . Our numerical results show that the polytropic index γ varies between 1.5 and 1.7, which is below the critical limit of 1.75. This behavior is consistent with the presence of quark matter cores, as suggested by Ref. [78, 79].Thus, the polytropic index calculations confirm that the QS model in
$ f(R,T) $ gravity adheres to the theoretical expectations for quark matter and satisfies the stability criteria.
Quark stars in f(R, T) gravity: mass-to-radius profiles and observational data
- Received Date: 2024-08-25
- Available Online: 2025-01-15
Abstract: This study explores the