Single Particles Irradiating Scattergrams of China Map Profile Etched on CR-39 Film

  • High resolution scattergrams of China map profile are etched on the CR-39 film within a small area of hundreds of microns×hundreds of microns by the AS-LIBB single proton microbeam, according to the coordinates of the standard images, which are acquired by the home-developed image-processing program. The testing results show that the single particle detection efficiency for this facility is over 98%, and the target-positioning accuracy is within 3mm. Moreover, the near-path traversing algorithm for stage control is optimal for irradiating scattergrams of picture profile, and the dots on CR-39 film for the measured results and the expected values are quite identical. Therefore, this single particle irradiation system meets to the demands of etching micron-dimensional pictures on CR-39 film in dot manner with single particles and the needs of the biological cell irradiation experiments.
  • [1] . YU Zeng-Liang. Introduction of Ion-Beam Engineering. Hefei: Scienceand Technology Publisher of Anhui, 1998. 1- 2(in Chinese)(余增亮.离子束生物工程导论合肥:安徽科技出版社,1998.1-2)2. PENG Shi-Xiang. Research of Physical Performance of Micro Ion-beamand Design of Micro Ion-Beam System. In: Academi c of Science, In-st itue of Plasma Physics. Doctor Papers. Hefei : Press of ASIPP , 2000.40(in Chinese)(彭士香.微束物理性能研究和微束装置设计.见:中国科学院等离子体所编辑.博士论文集.合肥:中国科学院等离子体所出版社,2000,40)3. Zirkle R E. Advances in Biological and Medical Physi cs. New York:Academic Press, 1957. 103 - 1464. Folkard M. Nucl. Instrum. Methods, 2002, B188: 49 - 545. Randers-Pehrson Gerhard. Technical Characterist ic of the Columbia University Single-Ion Microbeam. Annual Report. USA: Columbia Uni-versity Press, 1999. 3 - 66. YU Zeng-Liang. Physics, 1997, 26: 333 - 3387. Tomihiro Kamiya. Nucl. Instrum. Methods, 2001, B181: 27佂 318. Sinomaps Press. New Pratical Atlas of China. Beijing: Sinomaps Press,1996. 1-1(in Chinese)(中国地图出版社.最新实用中国地图册.北京:中国地图出版社,1996,1-1)9. Folkard M. Nucl. Instrum. Methods. , 2003, B210: 302 - 30710. HEI T K, WU Li-Jun , LIU Su-Xian et al . Proc. Natl . Acad. Sci.USA, 1997, 94 : 3765 佂 377011. WANG Xu-Fei. Design of Detector System of Single Parti cle Facilit y.In: Academic of Science, Institue of Plasma Physics. Mast er Papers.Hefei: Press of ASIPP, 2002. 40(in Chinese)(王旭飞单粒子束装置中探测系统的设计.见:中国科学院等离子体所编辑.硕士论文集合肥:中国科学院等离子体所出版社,2002,40)12. Folkard M, Vojnovic B, HollisK J et al. Int. J. Radiat . Biol. , 1997,72: 387 - 39513. PENG Shi-Xiang. Research of Physical Performance of Micro Ion-Beamand Design of Micro Ion-Beam System. In: Academic of Science, In-stitue of Plasma Physics.Doctor Papers. Hef ei: Press of ASIPP, 2000.49(in Chinese)(彭士香微束物理性能研究和微束装置设计见:中国科学院等离子体所编辑.博士论文集.合肥:中国科学院等离子体所出版社,2000. 49)14. HAN Yi-Ren. Molecular Cell Biology .Beijing: Science Press, 2002. 57(in Chinese)(韩仪仁.分子细胞生物学.北京:科学出版社,2002.57)15. Togo V. Nuclear Physics , 2003, B125: 217- 22116. HU Zhi-Wen, YU Zeng-Liang, WU Li-Jun. Nucl . Instrum. Methods,2003, A507: 617 - 621
  • [1] . YU Zeng-Liang. Introduction of Ion-Beam Engineering. Hefei: Scienceand Technology Publisher of Anhui, 1998. 1- 2(in Chinese)(余增亮.离子束生物工程导论合肥:安徽科技出版社,1998.1-2)2. PENG Shi-Xiang. Research of Physical Performance of Micro Ion-beamand Design of Micro Ion-Beam System. In: Academi c of Science, In-st itue of Plasma Physics. Doctor Papers. Hefei : Press of ASIPP , 2000.40(in Chinese)(彭士香.微束物理性能研究和微束装置设计.见:中国科学院等离子体所编辑.博士论文集.合肥:中国科学院等离子体所出版社,2000,40)3. Zirkle R E. Advances in Biological and Medical Physi cs. New York:Academic Press, 1957. 103 - 1464. Folkard M. Nucl. Instrum. Methods, 2002, B188: 49 - 545. Randers-Pehrson Gerhard. Technical Characterist ic of the Columbia University Single-Ion Microbeam. Annual Report. USA: Columbia Uni-versity Press, 1999. 3 - 66. YU Zeng-Liang. Physics, 1997, 26: 333 - 3387. Tomihiro Kamiya. Nucl. Instrum. Methods, 2001, B181: 27佂 318. Sinomaps Press. New Pratical Atlas of China. Beijing: Sinomaps Press,1996. 1-1(in Chinese)(中国地图出版社.最新实用中国地图册.北京:中国地图出版社,1996,1-1)9. Folkard M. Nucl. Instrum. Methods. , 2003, B210: 302 - 30710. HEI T K, WU Li-Jun , LIU Su-Xian et al . Proc. Natl . Acad. Sci.USA, 1997, 94 : 3765 佂 377011. WANG Xu-Fei. Design of Detector System of Single Parti cle Facilit y.In: Academic of Science, Institue of Plasma Physics. Mast er Papers.Hefei: Press of ASIPP, 2002. 40(in Chinese)(王旭飞单粒子束装置中探测系统的设计.见:中国科学院等离子体所编辑.硕士论文集合肥:中国科学院等离子体所出版社,2002,40)12. Folkard M, Vojnovic B, HollisK J et al. Int. J. Radiat . Biol. , 1997,72: 387 - 39513. PENG Shi-Xiang. Research of Physical Performance of Micro Ion-Beamand Design of Micro Ion-Beam System. In: Academic of Science, In-stitue of Plasma Physics.Doctor Papers. Hef ei: Press of ASIPP, 2000.49(in Chinese)(彭士香微束物理性能研究和微束装置设计见:中国科学院等离子体所编辑.博士论文集.合肥:中国科学院等离子体所出版社,2000. 49)14. HAN Yi-Ren. Molecular Cell Biology .Beijing: Science Press, 2002. 57(in Chinese)(韩仪仁.分子细胞生物学.北京:科学出版社,2002.57)15. Togo V. Nuclear Physics , 2003, B125: 217- 22116. HU Zhi-Wen, YU Zeng-Liang, WU Li-Jun. Nucl . Instrum. Methods,2003, A507: 617 - 621
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Get Citation
ZHANG Jun, WANG Xu-Fei, HU Zhi-Wen, CHEN Lian-Yun, WANG Xiao-Hua, LI Jun, CHEN Bin, HU Su-Hua, XU Ming-Liang, WU Li-Jun and YU Zeng-Liang. Single Particles Irradiating Scattergrams of China Map Profile Etched on CR-39 Film[J]. Chinese Physics C, 2005, 29(7): 713-716.
ZHANG Jun, WANG Xu-Fei, HU Zhi-Wen, CHEN Lian-Yun, WANG Xiao-Hua, LI Jun, CHEN Bin, HU Su-Hua, XU Ming-Liang, WU Li-Jun and YU Zeng-Liang. Single Particles Irradiating Scattergrams of China Map Profile Etched on CR-39 Film[J]. Chinese Physics C, 2005, 29(7): 713-716. shu
Received: 2004-04-27
Revised: 2004-06-07
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Single Particles Irradiating Scattergrams of China Map Profile Etched on CR-39 Film

    Corresponding author: ZHANG Jun,
  • Key Laboratory of Ion Beam Bioengineering,Institute of Plasma Physics,CAS,Hefei 230031,China

Abstract: High resolution scattergrams of China map profile are etched on the CR-39 film within a small area of hundreds of microns×hundreds of microns by the AS-LIBB single proton microbeam, according to the coordinates of the standard images, which are acquired by the home-developed image-processing program. The testing results show that the single particle detection efficiency for this facility is over 98%, and the target-positioning accuracy is within 3mm. Moreover, the near-path traversing algorithm for stage control is optimal for irradiating scattergrams of picture profile, and the dots on CR-39 film for the measured results and the expected values are quite identical. Therefore, this single particle irradiation system meets to the demands of etching micron-dimensional pictures on CR-39 film in dot manner with single particles and the needs of the biological cell irradiation experiments.


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