1992 Vol. 16, No. S4

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Experimental Measurement of the Mass of the τ Lepton at the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC)
BES Collaboration
1992, 16(S4): 343-354.
The τ lepton mass was measured with the data taken by the Beijing spectrometer (BES) at the BEPC at the Institute of High Energy Physics in Beijing. Approximately 5000 nb-1 integrated luminosity was accumulated. Pairs of τ lepton produced near the th...
Test Beam on the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC) and Physics Work on It
Liu Nianzong, Zhang Caidi, Zheng Linsheng, Hu Lidong, Zhao Xiaojian, Zhong Xuechu, Deng Hu, Zhu Shangen, Zhang Ge, Zhang Zhuxiang, Zhang Liangsheng, Zhou Yongshen, Xu Jianguo, Tan Yiping, Han Shurong, Han Ying, Bao Xiumin
1992, 16(S4): 355-366.
This paper reports the design and construction of the primary beam of the test beam on the BEPC, as well as the acquisition of the positive-charged secondary beam. The various particles, e+++, p, in the secondary beam have been measured with TOF ...
Forward-Backward Multiplicity Correlations in pp Collisions at 400 GeV/c
Wang Shaoshun, Zhang Jie, Ye Yunxiu, Xiao Chenguo, Luo Qi, Cheng Zhengdong, Zhang Xueqian, Xu Wanli, Xiong Weijun
1992, 16(S4): 367-374.
The pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles produced in pp collisions at 400 GeV/c have been measured using LEBC films. The multiplicity distributions in forward hemisphere at fixed total multiplicities are obtained. The forward-backward mu...
Study of Radiation Damage of a Tile/Fiber Scintillator Calorimeter
Mao Huishun, Wang Guoliang, Liu Nianzong, Zhang Ge, Zhang Zhuxiang, Zhang Liangsheng, Zhang Caidi, Zheng Linsheng, Zhou Yongshen, Hu Lidong, Zhao Xiaojian, Zhong Xuechu, Tan Yiping, Han Shiwen, D. Green, A. Para, K. Johnson
1992, 16(S4): 376-384.
The measurements of radiation damage of a tile/fiber scintillator modules to be used for the SDC calorimeter are described. Four tile scintillator modules were irradiated up to 6 Mrad with the BEPC 1.1 GeV electron beam. We have studied the light out...
Experimental Study of f2(1270) in the J/ψ Hadronic Decay
BES Collaboration
1992, 16(S4): 385-393.
Based on the 2.5 million J/ψ's collected by the Beijing spectrometer at the Beijing electron positron collider, through the hadronic decay J/ψωf2 (1270),f2(1270) → π+π-, ωπ+π-π0, we studied the properties of the resonance f2(1270):the mass,width,...
A Rigorous Calculation for the Radiator in e+e- Processes
Wu Jimin
1992, 16(S4): 395-400.
Using the precise expression of electron, positron distribution functions we obtained previously, we get the rigorous analytical expression of the radiator in e+e- collision processes. This series expression converges rapidly to the precise result re...
Angular Distributions Analysis for the Hadronic Decay Process
Shen Qinxing, Yu Hong
1992, 16(S4): 401-410.
The hadronic decay processes J/ψ→V1+X、X→ V2 + V3,V2,V3→2P (or 3P) (where Vi and P stand for the vector arid pseudoscalar meson, respectively) are discussed in this paper. For the intermediate state X with various spin-parity JP, the corresponding hel...
Factorizable 5-Matrix and S-ymmetry Operator with Toroidal Rapidity Values
Huo Boyu, Hu Zhanning
1992, 16(S4): 411-424.
We constructed the factorizable S-matrix and obtained the symmetry operator which commutes with the 5-matrix and has a new form of "coproduct," the elements of which depend on the parameters defining the toroidal rapidity surface. By defining a new o...
The Influence on the Baryon and Its Resonances from a New Additional Mass Term in the Skyrme Model
Lin Jinhu, Zhang Shou, Zheng Zhezhu
1992, 16(S4): 425-430.
This paper studies the influence on the baryon and its resonances from a new additional mass term which is derived by the Skyrme Lagrangian after quantum mechanical treatment.
Verma Module of Quantum Group GL(3)q,and the q-boson Realization and Cyclic Representations
Fu Hongchen, Ge Molin
1992, 16(S4): 431-437.
The structure and Verma module of the matrix element algebra A(3)q of the quantum group GL(3)q are studied using a similar method for studying the structure and Verma module of semisimple Lie algebras. The q-boson realization of A(2)q is constructed ...
Multi-Pion Correlations in Two-Pion Interferometry
Zhang Weining, Jiang Yuzhen, Wang Shan, Liu Yiming, D. Keane, J. Jiang, Y. Shao, S. Y. Fung, S. Y. Chu
1992, 16(S4): 439-448.
The influence ofmulti-pion correlations on two-pion interferometry analyses in multi-pion events can be expressed as the ratio of a multi-pion correlation factor for the sample of like-pion pairs to a residual correlation factor for the reference sam...
Effective Quark-Quark Interaction Created by Quark-Antiquark Pair Excitation
Yu Youwen, Zhang Zongye, Shen Pengnian, Shen Xiaoyan
1992, 16(S4): 449-456.
By means of the quark-antiquark pair creation model via one-gluon exchange, the effective ion among quarks,which is equivalent to the meson exchange intervening between two hadrons, is discussed. It is shown that this process includes interactions no...

ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4

Original research articles, Ietters and reviews Covering theory and experiments in the fieids of

  • Particle physics
  • Nuclear physics
  • Particle and nuclear astrophysics
  • Cosmology
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