1997 Vol. 21, No. 11

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Experimental Study of Hadron Inclusive Production in J/ψ Region
BES Collaborations
1997, 21(11): 961-969.
The mean multiplicities of mesons π±、π0、K±、K0s、ρ0.K*0、K、φ and baryons p、Ξ±、Σ±(1385) are measured for the first time in J/ψ region with 200,000 J/ψ events collected by the BES detector. The results are compatible with LUND and Shandong phenomenologi...
Yrast Band and Four-Quasiparticle Band in Odd-Odd 162Lu Nucleus
Ma Yingjun, Zhao Guangyi, Wang Zhe, Zheng Hua, Liu Yunzuo, Zhou Shangui, Wu Xiaoguang, Yang Chunxiang
1997, 21(11): 970-975.
Both yrast and 4-quasiparticle bands in 162Lu are established by using in-beam spectroscopy. It is shown that within the framework of cranking shell model,positive deformation can also lead to the low-spin signature inversion in the yrast band in Z=7...
First In-beam γ Spectroscopic Experiment at HIRFL
Guo Yingxiang, Zhu Shaofei, Zhou Xiaohong, Lei Xiangguo, Liu Zhong, Jin Hanjuan, Zhang Yuhu, Zhao Qingzhong, Sun Xiangfu, Luo Yixiao
1997, 21(11): 976-981.
The in-beam γ expedmental setup of HIRFL, which includes SFC(ECR ion source), direct-link-pipe(limit jaws) and in-beam γmeasurement system, was adjusted and tested with its first in-beam γ experiment. All performances, such as neutron and γ backgroun...
Energy Resolution and Its Simulation for the ESC of BES
Chen Jiangchuan, Zhu Yongsheng, Cheng Baosen, Liu Huaimin, Zhang Dahua, Wang Ping, Li Canguo, Huang Yinzhi, Zhang Jinlong
1997, 21(11): 982-989.
With data collected by the Beijing Spectmmeter (BES) in the J/ψ,ψ′, and Ds energy region, a lot of e+e final state evenb are selected in the solid angle region covered by the endcap shower counters (ESC). Some characteristics of the ESC are analysed...
Angular Dependence of Two Particle Correlation in 400GeV/c pp Collisions
Wang Shaoshun, Wang Zhaomin, Zhang Jie
1997, 21(11): 990-994.
The angular dependence of the particle-Particle comeladon (PPC) and its asytiumeby (PPCA) have been calculated by using the experimental data of multiplicity production for pp collisions at 400GeV/ c. The results are different stmngly from the overal...
Fourth Order Approximation of(2+1)-D Su(2)0++ Gluball Wavefunction
Hu Lian, Hui Ping, Chen Qizhou
1997, 21(11): 995-998.
In this Paper, the Parameter ratio of (2+1)-D SU(2) 0++ glueball wavefunctionis calculated using scheme of truncating eigenvalus equations ,The result shows agood scaling behavior.
Algbraic Structure of Two-Parameter Deformed Multi-Mode Bose Operators and Their Applications (Ⅰ)
Yu Zhaoxian, Zhang Dexing, Liu Yehou
1997, 21(11): 999-1004.
Two two-parameter deformed multi-mode boss operators which satisfy quantum Heisenberg-Weyl algebra are consbucted, and their algebraic structure. studied. As examples, the Holstein-Primokoff realizations for multi-node quantum. group SU(2)q,s. and SU...
Study on the Decay b→sγ in theMultiscale Walking Tchnicolor Model
Lu Gongru, Cao Yigang, Xiong Zhaohua, Xiao Zhenjun
1997, 21(11): 1005-1010.
We invesdgate the correction to the branching ratio of decay b→sγ from the Pseudo-Goldstone bosons (PGBs) in the multiscale walking technicolor model (MWTCM). Tbe correction is found so large that we can not explain the recentCLEO data lf topcolor is...
Study on Radiation of the Rrest color Electric Wave of Quarks in QGP
Bai Ge, Li Jiarong
1997, 21(11): 1011-1017.
Using the Debye screening in QGP, the disbibudon function and the color electric potential of the quarks at high temperature, the radiated power of the rest color electric wave of the quarks in QGP are obtained. The relation between the radiated powe...
"Neck" formation and Fragmentation in Intermediate Energy Heavy-Lon Collisions
Chen Liewen, Ge Lingxiao, Zhang Fengshou
1997, 21(11): 1018-1023.
Under different impact parameters, the collision system of 30MeV/u 40Ca+40Ca is investigated in terms of QltllD model. It is .shown that the number of IMFs is the largest at impact pararneter b=6fm, which is due to the formation of "neck" in collisio...
On Ground State Correlations in Nuclear Many-Body Systems
Xing Yongzhong, Xu Gongou
1997, 21(11): 1024-1030.
The ground state correlation in model systems with different interaction strength and pardcle numbers has been studied. Nunnerical results tell us that if the ground state shape is quite stable, the ground state correlation can be approximately expla...
q-Analogue Boson Inverse Operators and Their Application
Wei Lianfu, Wang Shunjin, Jie Quanlin
1997, 21(11): 1031-1034.
The inverse of the q-analogue boson creation and annihilation operators is introduced. By vimue of the properties of aq-1and aq+-1the q-analogue defomadon form of the Photostatted coherent states is constructed and its completeness relation is discus...
Study on the Helicity Amplitudes of the Resonances Based on the Relativistic Harmonic Oscillator Model
Dong Yubing
1997, 21(11): 1035-1040.
Using the relativistic harmonic oscillator model, the helicity amplitudes of resonances are studied and the relativistic effect is addressed.
ΔI=2 Energy Staggering in Superdeformed Bands in 149Gd(b1) and 153Dy(b1)
Xing Zheng, Chen Xingqu, Wang Xiaochun
1997, 21(11): 1041-1045.
The particle-rotor model is applied to describe the odd A superdeformed nuclear states in A~150 mass region. The calculated ΔI=2 Staggering in superdeformed bands in 149Gd(bl) and 153Dy(bl) is compared with the observed data for the first time.
Focusing of Charged Particle Beams by Isochronic Periodic Fields
Yu Qingchang
1997, 21(11): 1046-1051.
In proton linacs the pardcle beams are often focused by isochronic periodic fields, in which the lengths of periods are different but the times the particles travel through each period are constant. In this paper the basic theory of focusing by isoch...
Dimensional Changes of Amorphous Alloys Under Swift Ar Ion Irradiation
Liu Changlong, Hou Mingdong, Wang Zhiguang, Cheng Song, Sun Youmei, Zhu Zhiyong, Jin Yunfan, Li Changlin, Wang Yinshu, Meng Qinghua
1997, 21(11): 1052-1056.
Small strips of amorphous alloys Fe77.2Mn0.8Si9B13, Fe39Ni39V2Si12B8,Fe47Ni29V2Si6B16and Fe40Ni40Si12B8 have been irradiated with 2.79MeV/u Ar ions below 50K Using optical microscopy, the macroscopic. dimensions of the samples were measured at roomte...

ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4

Original research articles, Ietters and reviews Covering theory and experiments in the fieids of

  • Particle physics
  • Nuclear physics
  • Particle and nuclear astrophysics
  • Cosmology
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