1999 Vol. 23, No. 8

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Study of J/ψ、γπ0π0 at BES
BES Collaboration
1999, 23(8): 745-752.
The decay J/ψ→γπ0π0 is studied with 7.0×106 produced J/ψ events collected by the Bening Spectrometer(BES) with the tugger mode senseuve to both chmped and neutral final state at the Bening Electron-Positron Collider(BEPC), The evidences for the exist...
Origins of Intermediate Mass Fragments for 40Ar+natAg Reaction at 30 MeV/u
Li Zuyu, Wang Hongwei, He Zhiyong, Duan Limin, Zhang Baoguo, Dai Guangxi, Fu Yanbiao, Jin Genming, Wu Heyu
1999, 23(8): 753-759.
The energy spectra of intermediate-mass fragments (IMF) (3≤Z≤16) have been measured from 6° to 110° for 40Ar+natAg reachon at 30 MeV/u. The energy spectra were analyzed by the moving source model. The natUres of the projechle-like source, target-like...
Backward Sputtering induced by Fast Neutron
Ye Bangjiao, Zhou Xianyi, Han Rongdian, Kasugai Yoshimi, Ikeda Yujiro
1999, 23(8): 760-764.
An experimental method of measuring backward sputtering induced by fast neutron is described. Backward sputtering yields of 10 malterials of Mg, Al, Sc, V, Fe,Co, Cu, Zr, An and type 316 stainless steel are measured and compared with forward sputteri...
ηc-VV Problem in Constituent Quark Model
Jia Yu, Zhao Guangda
1999, 23(8): 765-773.
The problem about ηc decay into two vector mesons, such as ηc→ρρ, K* K*,φφ. are discussed in the Bethe-Salpeter framework. Both constituent quark mass and intrinsic quark transverse inchon inside the final state mesons are taken into account and thei...
Study of the Vacuum State in (2+1)-Dimensional U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory
Jiang Junqin, Luo Xiangqian
1999, 23(8): 774-783.
We investigate the vacuum state of (2+1)-dimensional U(1) lattice gauge field theory, and derive the parameters of the continuum vacuum wave function in great details. The numerical results from the truncated eigenvalue equation method are also provi...
Quantization of a Scalar QED With Chern-Simons Term in the Batalin-Fradkin-Vilkovisky Scheme
Jiang Jinhuan, Li Ziping
1999, 23(8): 784-789.
in this paper we use the Batalin-Fradkin-Vilkovisky (BFV) formalism to study the quanhzation of a scalar QED with Chern-Simons term. The conserved laws of energy, momenttum and angular momentum at the quantal level of the system are obtained. The pro...
Large Rapidity GaP Events and Reggeon in DIS
Zhou Yufeng, Peng Hongan, Liu Lianshou
1999, 23(8): 790-796.
The experimental results on maximum pseudo-rapidity ηmax distribution in the charge exchange process e+p→e+n+X is discussed in thes paper. The contributions of reggeon from regge phenomenology and π+ -exchange from pion cloud medel is calculated. The...
Re-discussion of the Spin Assignments of the Superdeformed Bands in A≈190 Region (Ⅱ) Odd Superdeformed Nuclei
Wu Chongshi, Li Zhonghua
1999, 23(8): 797-802.
The influence of the I=1 staggering and the fluctuation in observed γ-tyanstion energies on the spin assignments of superdeformed bands is taken into account properly. An improved approach for removing the fluctuations from the observed y transition ...
Alignment Additivity of Superdeformed Bands of Odd-Odd Nuclei in A=190 Region
Zhou Shangui, Xu Furong, Zheng Chunkai, Hu Jimin
1999, 23(8): 803-806.
Alignment additivity of the superdeformed (SD) bands in odd-odd nuclei 194Tl and 196 Bi is investigared with the level spins determined by the Cranking Bohr-Mottelson Model. The alignments of four of the six SD bands in 194Tl can be accounted for fro...
Investigation of Properties of Proton-Rich Nucleus
Chen Baoqiu
1999, 23(8): 807-812.
The properties of proton-rich and their mirror nucleus in 2sld shell have been investigated by relahvistic mean field theory. The results obtained by relahvistic mean field theory are in good agreement with experimental data.
Preliminary Results and Conservation Laws of Two-Body Correlation Transport Theory for Heavy ion Collision
Chen Bo, Liu Jianye, Liu Hang, Wang Shunjin, Li Xiguo, Zuo Wei
1999, 23(8): 813-819.
Based on the two-body correlation dynamics(TBCD) introduced by Wang et al., we have taken the bine dependent single pride states as working basis to derive the tWo-body correlation transport theory (TBCTT) for describing the dynamical process of HIC....
Decay of 95Ru
Fang Keming, Liu Jingyi, Shi Shuanghui, Gu Jiahui, Zeng Jiping, Yu Xiaohan, Shen Shuifa, Li Yan
1999, 23(8): 820-827.
1.65h 95Ru was produced and studied by y ray spectroscopy of 92Mo(a, n)reaction, 34 of the 130 obversed y rays following 95Ru decay are new. According to coincidence relations, 29 new γ rays were flited into level scheme, the placement of 7 γ rays in...
Beam Loading Effects for A Tow-Beam Ring
Wang Lanfa, Lin Yuzheng, Tong Dechun
1999, 23(8): 828-834.
An analytic treatment of multi-bunch potential well distortion for a twobeam storage ring is presented. The longitUdinal wake effects are separated into: the mode loss, the synchrotron tUne shift (both due to potential well distortion) and the cohere...
Direct Hard Photoproduction of J/ψ andγ in High Energy Pb-Pb and Ca-Ca Collisions at LHC
Li Yunde, Xu Xiaomei, Liu Lianshou
1999, 23(8): 837-840.
Direct hard PhotoProduction of J/ψ and γ at LHC Pb-Pb collisions with CMS energy 5.5ATeV, and Ca-Ca collisions with CMS energy 7ATeV, are discussed in the process: A+A→A+J/ψ(γ) + X. It turns out that the processes can be used to testing the gluon dis...

ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4

Original research articles, Ietters and reviews Covering theory and experiments in the fieids of

  • Particle physics
  • Nuclear physics
  • Particle and nuclear astrophysics
  • Cosmology
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