2005 Vol. 29, No. 1
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Excited states in odd–odd 126I have been studied via the heavy–ion induced fusion–evaporation reaction 122Sn(11B,5n2p) at beam energies of 55 and 60 MeV with beams provided by the HI–13 tandem accelerator of CIAE in Beijing.A level scheme consisting ...
Excited states in odd–odd 126I have been studied via the heavy–ion induced fusion–evaporation reaction 122Sn(11B,5n2p) at beam energies of 55 and 60 MeV with beams provided by the HI–13 tandem accelerator of CIAE in Beijing.A level scheme consisting ...
The transition rate for the Cabibbo suppressed decay d0→π–e+ν e is calculated. This allows the extractions of the form factor |fπ +(0)| and the CKM matrix element |v cd| using the measured branching ratio.
The transition rate for the Cabibbo suppressed decay d0→π–e+ν e is calculated. This allows the extractions of the form factor |fπ +(0)| and the CKM matrix element |v cd| using the measured branching ratio.
The lightest meson π in meson cloud model gave a natural explanation for the observed large light flavor sea asymmetry in proton,but not a satisfied explanation for (x)/(x). here we take into account the σ meson cloud effect,which gives a better desc...
The lightest meson π in meson cloud model gave a natural explanation for the observed large light flavor sea asymmetry in proton,but not a satisfied explanation for (x)/(x). here we take into account the σ meson cloud effect,which gives a better desc...
The teleportation may become an important means for remote distance communications in the future,and the mechanism is based on entanglement of quantum states.but the entanglement is fragile.As the state is disturbed by the environment the entanglemen...
The teleportation may become an important means for remote distance communications in the future,and the mechanism is based on entanglement of quantum states.but the entanglement is fragile.As the state is disturbed by the environment the entanglemen...
In this paper,we generalize the Toda mechanics system with long range interaction to the case of Loop algebra l(Dr).by using a pair of ordered positive integer (X,y) to describe Toda chains,we extract the equation of motion and the hamiltonian struct...
In this paper,we generalize the Toda mechanics system with long range interaction to the case of Loop algebra l(Dr).by using a pair of ordered positive integer (X,y) to describe Toda chains,we extract the equation of motion and the hamiltonian struct...
Through analyzing the data with high statistics from measuring high–fold prompt γ–ray coincidence events following the spontaneous fission of 252Cf with the Gammasphere detector array,the level schemes in neutron–rich odd–A 109,111Ru nuclei have been...
Through analyzing the data with high statistics from measuring high–fold prompt γ–ray coincidence events following the spontaneous fission of 252Cf with the Gammasphere detector array,the level schemes in neutron–rich odd–A 109,111Ru nuclei have been...
20Ne was used as primary beam to bombard Be target to produce RIB 17Ne, which is a candidate of proton halo nuclei in theoretical prediction.The total reaction cross section of 17Ne on Si target was measured.No enhancement was observed compared with ...
20Ne was used as primary beam to bombard Be target to produce RIB 17Ne, which is a candidate of proton halo nuclei in theoretical prediction.The total reaction cross section of 17Ne on Si target was measured.No enhancement was observed compared with ...
The triaxial superdeformed band in nucleus 164Lu are identified by three dimensional self–consistent TRS calculation.The calculated results agree with the data.The configuration of the triaxial superdeformed band is assigned as (π[660]1/2,α=1/2)(ν[64...
The triaxial superdeformed band in nucleus 164Lu are identified by three dimensional self–consistent TRS calculation.The calculated results agree with the data.The configuration of the triaxial superdeformed band is assigned as (π[660]1/2,α=1/2)(ν[64...
We study the possible signals of the pion string associated with the QCD chiral phase transition in LHC Pb–Pb collision at energy s=5.5 TeV.We follow the Kibble–Zurek mechanism to discuss the production and evolution of the pion string.We will show t...
We study the possible signals of the pion string associated with the QCD chiral phase transition in LHC Pb–Pb collision at energy s=5.5 TeV.We follow the Kibble–Zurek mechanism to discuss the production and evolution of the pion string.We will show t...
By using an improved isospin dependent quantum molecular dynamics model, the fusion reaction near coulomb barrier is studied for the 16O+16O system.The surface energy of the system is improved by a switch function method,which combines the surface en...
By using an improved isospin dependent quantum molecular dynamics model, the fusion reaction near coulomb barrier is studied for the 16O+16O system.The surface energy of the system is improved by a switch function method,which combines the surface en...
We examine the two–pion interferometry for the expanding sources of spherical quark–gluon plasma evolution. The quark–gluon plasma evolution is described by relativistic hydrodynamics with the equation of state of entropy density.The two–pion Hanbury...
We examine the two–pion interferometry for the expanding sources of spherical quark–gluon plasma evolution. The quark–gluon plasma evolution is described by relativistic hydrodynamics with the equation of state of entropy density.The two–pion Hanbury...
Shandong University is in charge of the research and production of T9 type TGC (Thin Gap Chamber)detectors for ATLAS experiment.in this paper,the stability and the leak current of the detectors working at 3200V voltage were measured, and the plateau ...
Shandong University is in charge of the research and production of T9 type TGC (Thin Gap Chamber)detectors for ATLAS experiment.in this paper,the stability and the leak current of the detectors working at 3200V voltage were measured, and the plateau ...
The 2Q2D magnetic spectrometer operating at the BEPC-Linac test beam site consists of 2 quadrupole magnets,2 dipoles and 2 position sensitive detectors.The spectrometer has a maximum acceptance of solid angle 5×10-4sr,a momentum range 0.2—1.3gev/c.Be...
The 2Q2D magnetic spectrometer operating at the BEPC-Linac test beam site consists of 2 quadrupole magnets,2 dipoles and 2 position sensitive detectors.The spectrometer has a maximum acceptance of solid angle 5×10-4sr,a momentum range 0.2—1.3gev/c.Be...
A“full coverage”air shower array,ARGO (Astrophysical Radiation with Groundbased Observatory) experiment is under construction currently at YangBaJing in Tibet,China.Its altitude of 4,300m above see level is equivalent to an atmospheric depth of 606g/...
A“full coverage”air shower array,ARGO (Astrophysical Radiation with Groundbased Observatory) experiment is under construction currently at YangBaJing in Tibet,China.Its altitude of 4,300m above see level is equivalent to an atmospheric depth of 606g/...
A prototype of X-ray imaging device based on triple Gas Electron Multiply detector is studied,which has an effective gain up to 105 and can be used in high rate X-rays imaging.The precise method of micro–strip readout is designed for X-rays localizat...
A prototype of X-ray imaging device based on triple Gas Electron Multiply detector is studied,which has an effective gain up to 105 and can be used in high rate X-rays imaging.The precise method of micro–strip readout is designed for X-rays localizat...
The design of large area neutron array detector at RIBLL for the study of neutron–rich nuclei is presented. The neutron detection efficiency, timing resolution and position distribution of this detecting system have been obtained by detailed Monte Ca...
The design of large area neutron array detector at RIBLL for the study of neutron–rich nuclei is presented. The neutron detection efficiency, timing resolution and position distribution of this detecting system have been obtained by detailed Monte Ca...
Recently intensive studies have been done on superconducting cavities (e.g. spoke cavity, reentrant cavity, and ch cavity), which are used as accelerating structures in the low and medium energy part of high power high intensity proton or ion acceler...
Recently intensive studies have been done on superconducting cavities (e.g. spoke cavity, reentrant cavity, and ch cavity), which are used as accelerating structures in the low and medium energy part of high power high intensity proton or ion acceler...
The beijing electron Positron collider upgrade Project (bePcⅡ) requires its injector linac to upgrade the beam energy and current. thus the accelerating structures in the positron production region must be newly designed and constructed to meet the h...
The beijing electron Positron collider upgrade Project (bePcⅡ) requires its injector linac to upgrade the beam energy and current. thus the accelerating structures in the positron production region must be newly designed and constructed to meet the h...
In order to easily measure the beam spot size of high energy electron accelerators with internal target enclosed,a real–time system, based on thick pinhole imaging technique, is employed. The experimental result on a 15MeV electron linear accelerator...
In order to easily measure the beam spot size of high energy electron accelerators with internal target enclosed,a real–time system, based on thick pinhole imaging technique, is employed. The experimental result on a 15MeV electron linear accelerator...
It is important for hirfl to improve the whole operation level if SSC accelerating voltage can be increased. In order to increase the voltage, it should firstly analyze the maximum voltage that SSC RF cavity can achieve in theory. SSC RF cavity was t...
It is important for hirfl to improve the whole operation level if SSC accelerating voltage can be increased. In order to increase the voltage, it should firstly analyze the maximum voltage that SSC RF cavity can achieve in theory. SSC RF cavity was t...
a tracking algorithm using grid–based space charge fields is studied for the analysis of secondary emission microwave electron gun(semeg). the poisson equations of the space charge forces are determined in the bunchs rest frame with a multi–grid met...
a tracking algorithm using grid–based space charge fields is studied for the analysis of secondary emission microwave electron gun(semeg). the poisson equations of the space charge forces are determined in the bunchs rest frame with a multi–grid met...
For storage–ring free electron laser (SR-FEL) and KrF laser driver of inertial confinement fusion(ICK KrF Laser), the mechanism of laser production is fully different from each other, but they have a nearly same requirement to the resonator mirror. T...
For storage–ring free electron laser (SR-FEL) and KrF laser driver of inertial confinement fusion(ICK KrF Laser), the mechanism of laser production is fully different from each other, but they have a nearly same requirement to the resonator mirror. T...
ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4
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- Cover Story (Issue 1, 2025) Comments on Prediction of Energy Resolution inthe JUNO Experiment
- Cover Story (Issue 12, 2024) | Doubly heavy meson puzzle: precise prediction of the mass spectra and hadronic decay with coupled channel effects to hunt for beauty-charm family
- Cover Story (Issue 9, 2024) Measurement of solar pp neutrino flux using electron recoil data from PandaX-4T commissioning run
- Cover Story (Issue 11, 2024) ï½ Form factor for Dalitz decays from J/Ï to light pseudoscalars
- Cover Story (Issue 3, 2024) | First measurement of the ground-state mass of 22Al helps to evaluate the ab-initio theory