We used the CORSIKA [18] package (version 7.64) to produce γ-rays and proton air showers. For electromagnetic interactions, we employed the EGS4 model, while for hadronic interactions, we used the URQMD model at low energies and the QGSJET-II model at high energies. The photon files obtained from CORSIKA were used as input for sim_telarray [19] to generate the response of the telescope. The telescope configuration used in the simulation features a Davies-Cotton mirror design with a 6 m diameter and an 8 m focal length. The camera of the telescope consists of over 1400 pixels, each measuring 25.8 mm, providing a total field of view of 8° in diameter. In this simulation, events were generated for point-like
γ-rays, diffuse γ-rays, and diffuse protons at zenith angles of 20° and 60°. The diffuse gamma rays and diffuse protons were randomly distributed within a cone of 7° radius centered on the simulated point-like source. To increase the number of showers, shower events were reused: point-like gamma events were reused 10 times, while diffuse gamma and diffuse proton events were reused 20 times each. The night sky background (NSB) was modeled using real measurements from LHAASO-WFCTA, corresponding to an NSB rate of approximately $ 0.1\; \rm{pe}\; \rm{m^{-2}}\rm{ns^{-1}} \rm {deg^{-2}} $ . Considering the mirror area and pixel size of the LACT telescope, we modeled a Poisson distribution with a mean of$ 7\; \rm p.e. $ . Note that the electronics and atmospheric profile used in this simulation do not fully represent real conditions of LACT, and more detailed modeling is needed. The parameters employed in the simulation are provided in Table 1.Particle type Index Energy range /TeV View cone radius /deg Scatter radius /m Azimuth direction /deg Zenith angle/deg Number of shower gamma (point-like) -2 0.4–400 0 1800 0 60 $ 10^8 $ gamma (diffuse) –2 0.4–400 7 2000 0 60 $ 6\times10^8 $ proton -2 0.6–600 7 2000 0 60 $ 1.8 \times10^9 $ gamma (point-like) –2 0.1–400 0 1600 0 20 $ 4 \times 10^8 $ gamma (diffuse) –2 0.1–400 7 1800 0 20 $ 1.5 \times 10^9 $ proton (diffuse) –2 0.1–600 7 1800 0 20 $ 4\times 10^9 $ Table 1. Simulation parameters.
For each event, we required at least two telescopes to trigger. We first performed image cleaning on the telescope images using a two-level tail-cut method. This method requires a pixel to exceed a specified high threshold, with at least one neighboring pixel exceeding a lower threshold, or vice versa [20]. After image cleaning, the image was parameterized [21]. In addition to the standard Hillas parameters, we introduced the MISS parameter, which is defined as the distance from the true source position to the major axis in the nominal plane. The MISS parameter serves as an indicator of the reconstruction accuracy of the shower-detector plane (SDP) for a single telescope, and we will frequently refer to it in the following sections. For reconstruction, we required at least two telescopes to meet the following selection criteria: SIZE > 100 photoelectrons (p.e.) and LEAKAGE2 < 0.3, where SIZE represents the total p.e. in the image after cleaning, and LEAKAGE2 is the ratio of p.e. in the outermost two layers of pixels. It is important to note that these selection cut conditions have not been fully optimized and are only preliminary. The direction of the incoming shower was reconstructed by the intersection of the major axes in the reference telescope frame. After reconstructing the direction and core position of each event, we calculated the corresponding reconstructed impact parameter. Combining this with the parameters obtained from the telescopes, we trained a Random-Forest-Regressor model for energy reconstruction and a RandomForestClassifier model for particle separation [22] using diffuse gamma events and diffuse proton events. The estimated energy and hadronness of a single telescope were combined with weights to determine the overall reconstructed energy and hadronness of the event. For easier comparison, we present the angular resolution and collection area after event selection in relation to the true energy in the following sections.
The primary scientific objective of LACT is to perform in synergy with LHAASO, which presents two key aspects. The first is to work in synergy with LHAASO-KM2A for deep observations of ultra-high-energy γ-ray sources and to study their morphology in detail, thereby confirming the existence of PeVatrons. To achieve this, we use the LZA observation mode to enhance our effective area. In this study, we examined the performance of eight telescopes at a 60° zenith angle. Compared to a 20° zenith angle, both the effective area and angular resolution show significant improvement. This eight-telescope subarray can achieve sensitivity approaching that of CTA-South and can effectively work in synergy with LHAASO-KM2A. Additionally, the four eight-telescope subarrays of LACT allow simultaneous observations of different sources, significantly increasing the observation time for each source. This capability enables deep observations of key targets, providing the potential for detailed spectral and morphological studies of PeVatron candidates. In Fig. 17, we compare the differential sensitivity of LACT after 500 h of observation in two modes with that of LHAASO after one year. In both modes, LACT demonstrates sensitivity comparable to that of LHAASO. Notably, in the LZA mode, LACT shows superior differential sensitivity below 100 TeV. This positions LACT as a valuable complement to LHAASO, with the potential to significantly advance our understanding of high-energy astrophysical phenomena. In Table 2, we present the observation times for several important sources from October 1, 2024, to April 1, 2025, which is considered an optimal observation period for LACT. The table includes observations at zenith angles below 50° and between 50°–70°. From this table, it is clear that substantial observation times can be achieved at large zenith angles for these sources. Notably, sources such as the Galactic Center can only be effectively observed at LZA, underscoring the importance of LZA observations in expanding the sky coverage and scientific capabilities of LACT.
Figure 17. (color online) A comparison of LACT sensitivity for 500 and 50 h of exposure in two observation modes, alongside LHAASO sensitivity after one year. In the 20° mode, all 32 LACT telescopes are utilized, while in the 60° mode, an 8-telescope subarray is employed. The LHAASO sensitivity data points are extracted from [7].
Source RA DEC 0–50 $ ^\circ $ 50 $ ^\circ $ –70$ ^\circ $ SS433 19h10m37s +05d02m13s 75h 152h J1908+0621 19h08m12s +06d21m0s 76.25h 154.75h Galactic center 17h45m39.6s -29d0m22s 0h 37h J1825-134 18h25m49s -13d46m35s 2.5h 99h J2226+6057 22h27m0s +60d57m 386h 371h cygnus 20h31m33s +41d34m38s 217h 233h Table 2. Observation times for specific sources by LACT between October 1, 2024, and April 1, 2025, categorized by zenith angles below 50° and between 50°–70°. This calculation assumes ideal conditions and does not account for weather factors.
The second objective is to achieve a lower energy threshold at small zenith angles and collaborate with LHAASO-WCDA on various scientific topics. With the construction of next-generation Cherenkov telescopes like CTA and ASTRI, there is an increasing demand for the ability to rapidly follow up on transient phenomena and continuously monitor them [38]. The energy threshold of the entire LACT array is approximately 200 GeV at a
$ 20^{\circ} $ zenith angle, allowing for a well-connected observed energy spectrum with Fermi-LAT and excellent synergy with LHAASO-WCDA. This capability is crucial for studying transient events such as gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and active galactic nuclei (AGNs).In subsequent studies, we will further investigate the synergy between LHAASO and LACT. This synergy extends beyond the scientific cases mentioned earlier, encompassing experiments such as joint event reconstructions using different detectors from LHAASO and LACT. As highlighted in previous research [28], during long-term observations of extended sources, particle discrimination is crucial owing to the background count being much higher than that of point sources. The inclusion of the muon detector of KM2A will significantly enhance the performance of LACT in these long-term observations. Additionally, it is important to note that the simulation parameters currently used do not perfectly align with those of the actual LACT telescope. The first LACT prototype is scheduled for completion by the end of 2024. The observational data from this prototype will improve our understanding of the simulations, allowing future Monte Carlo simulations to validate our analysis methods and produce more realistic performance curves.
Layout optimization and performance analysis of large array of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes
- Received Date: 2024-09-23
- Available Online: 2025-03-15
Abstract: The large array of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (LACT) is a planned array of 32 Cherenkov telescopes, each featuring 6-m diameter mirrors, to be constructed at the LHAASO site. This study focused on optimizing the array layout and analyzing the performance of LACT. Two observation modes were examined: large zenith angle observations for ultra-high energy events and small zenith angle observations for lower energy thresholds. For large zenith angles (60°), simulations indicate that an 8-telescope subarray can achieve an effective area of