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  • Masses of the conjectured H-dibaryon at different temperatures
    2024, 48(8): 083105-083105-11. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/ad3d4c
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    We present a lattice QCD determination of masses of the conjectured H-dibaryon, denoted as $ m_H $, at nine different temperatures: $ T/T_c = $0.24, 0.63, 0.76, 0.84, 0.95, 1.09, 1.27, 1.52, and 1.90. The masses of baryons N, Σ, Ξ, and Λ at different temperatures were also computed. The simulations were performed on an anisotropic lattice with $ N_f=2+1 $ flavours of clover fermion at a quark mass corresponding to $m_\pi=384(4)\; {{\rm{MeV}}}$. The thermal ensembles were provided by the FASTSUM collaboration, whereas the zero temperature ensembles were provided by the Hadspec collaboration. We also calculated the spectral density of the correlation function of those particles. The spectral density distributions show a rich peak structure at the lowest temperature; at intermediate temperatures, the mass values of those particles obtained by the extrapolation method reflect a two-peak structure. While the spectral density for the octet baryon becomes smooth at $ T/T_c = $ 1.27, 1.52, and 1.90, the spectral density for the H-dibaryon becomes smooth at $ T/T_c = 1.90 $. At $ T/T_c =0.24 $, the mass difference of the H-dibaryon and Λ pair, expressed as $ \Delta m = m_H - 2\,m_{\Lambda} $, was estimated to be $ \Delta m = -14.6(6.2) $ MeV, which suggests the existence of a bound H-dibaryon state.
  • Prospects to study hyperon-nucleon interactions at BESIII
    2024, 48(7): 073003-073003-9. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/ad3dde
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    The prospects to study hyperon-nucleus/nucleon interactions at BESIII and similar $ e^+ e^- $ colliders are analyzed in this paper. Utilizing the large quantity of hyperons produced by the decay of 10 billion $ J/\psi $ and 2.7 billion $ \psi(3686) $ collected at BESIII, the cross sections of several specific elastic and inelastic hyperon-nucleus reactions can be measured via scattering between hyperons and nucleus in the dense objects of the BESIII detector. Subsequently, the cross sections of the corresponding hyperon-nucleon interactions can be extracted from further phenomenological calculations. The interactions between antihyperons and nucleus/nucleon, including scattering and annihilation, can also be studied using the method proposed in this study. The results will definitely benefit the realization of precise probes for hyperon-nuclei/nucleus interactions and establish constraints to study the potential of strong interaction, the origin of color confinement, a unified model for baryon-baryon interactions, and the internal structure of neutron stars. In addition, the desirable prospects of corresponding studies in the future Super Tau-Charm Factory (STCF) are discussed and estimated in this study.
  • Imprints of a gravitational wave through the weak field deflection of photons
    2024, 48(8): 085104-085104-6. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/ad4e25
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    In this study, we investigate the novel phenomenon of gravitational lensing experienced by gravitational waves traveling past a Schwarzschild black hole perturbed by a specific, first-order, polar gravitational wave. We apply the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, finding a topological contribution to the deflection of light rays passing near the black hole. We demonstrate that the deflection angle can be determined by analyzing a region entirely outside the path of the light ray, leading to a calculation based solely on the parameters of the perturbing wave (Legendre polynomial order, l; frequency, σ). This approach offers a unique perspective on gravitational lensing and expands our understanding of black hole interactions with gravitational waves.
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